
  1. How to determine if a pet has worms?
  2. Causes of worms in dogs
  3. What are the remedies for worms
  4. Rating of the best remedies for dog worms according to buyers

Rating of the best remedies for worms in dogs for 2020

Rating of the best remedies for worms in dogs for 2020

A dog is a loyal friend of man, so taking care of a pet will always rest on the shoulders of the owners. If you want to get a four-legged inhabitant, you will need to realize and understand that dogs also need treatment and they have various diseases and ailments, including parasitic ones. It is difficult to prepare for this, but prophylaxis for your pet should be carried out on time.

It is necessary to closely monitor the behavior and health of the pet, and immediately take action in case of deviations. The appearance of worms (helminths) in dogs is not a rare phenomenon, and a lot of methods of dealing with them have already been invented. Finding them on the market will not be difficult, and this rating will help you choose the best drug for worms in dogs.

How to determine if a pet has worms?

The appearance of parasites in the body of a pet can be identified by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite leading to exhaustion;
  • Anemia - the mucous membranes become poor;
  • Vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes alternating with constipation);
  • The coat is tousled, without shine, faded;
  • The presence of mucus, blood, parasites in feces;
  • Dermatitis and other skin conditions may occur.

Parasites can spread not only in the intestines and stomach, but infect the liver, and even the heart, at the first signs it is better to take all the necessary measures to eliminate them as soon as possible so that they do not multiply and lead to a deterioration in the health of the pet. And after removal, prevention should not be neglected to prevent a repetition of such a scenario.

Causes of worms in dogs

The most common infestations of these parasites in pets occur through raw meat and fish, dirty vegetables and fruits, and they can also pick them up in the grass. When walking with a dog, she can drink water from a puddle or eat something tasty in her opinion, but already spoiled, and become infected with worms.

Although some may not imagine that their pet is capable of this, you can pick up the larvae of these parasites without leaving your home. You can bring them on your shoes into the house, and then they will get to the household inhabitants.

Some people are surprised to find them in just born puppies, but infection is possible intrauterinely through the placenta, if they were in the mother, then the offspring can appear. Or, only the eggs of these parasites will enter the body through milk, and then larvae and adults will appear.

Carriers of worms can be other animals in the house or insects (cockroaches, flies, fleas). If fleas are found in dogs, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis against worms, even if no signs of them are found yet.

It is almost impossible to save your pet from the occurrence of worms, but constant preventive measures and simple attentiveness solve problems when such a situation arises.

What are the remedies for worms

After detecting parasites in a dog, it is necessary to decide on a means to fight against them.

Pharmacological companies today produce a large number of different options so that you can choose the right ones for your dog.

The main types and forms of drugs that exist on the market today:

  1. Pills - this remedy is most often used by the owners of four-legged friends when they first encounter such problems. The first thought that comes up upon discovery is to buy pills. But sometimes after a purchase, you can be disappointed, since getting your pet to swallow it is not an easy task. Even a tablet disguised in a favorite treat is difficult to feed to an exhausted animal without appetite. But this does not mean that they will not work, many of the pill options are wonderful remedies for these parasites. For preventive purposes, if the animal is eating well so far, the use of pills will work very well.
  2. Suspension - the liquid consistency of this drug will allow you to enter it using a syringe (included in the kit). This form of medication is effective for both prevention and elimination at different stages of development.
  3. Drops - this form of medicine is suitable even for the smallest and weakened, depending on the weight and age, you can change the dosage of drops. They must be applied to dry skin in an inaccessible place for the dog so that it cannot lick off.
  4. Paste - most often used for puppies, but it does not cope with extensive lesions at once, so the procedure is repeated again a week later.

A large selection on the market helps to choose a product for the breed and weight that is required. And various forms will help determine the convenience of taking medication for a dog in a particular case.

Rating of the best remedies for dog worms according to buyers

In this rating you can find various types used today, all recommended by veterinarians and tested by many dog ​​owners on their pets. A list of the best remedies has been compiled thanks to feedback from owners who have encountered such a problem.


This drug is prescribed for adult dogs, the pet's weight must be at least 500 grams. The main active ingredients are milbemycin oxime, praziquantel. Will act on round and tapeworms, and even on larvae. It will take effect a few hours after taking the pill.

Dose: 1 tablet for 5-25 kg.

Cost: 480 rubles for 1 package, consisting of 2 tablets.

Milbemax for dogs
  • will quickly help get rid of worms;
  • painless effect;
  • one application is enough to eliminate parasites;
  • non-toxic;
  • suitable for the treatment or prevention of helminth infection;
  • small tablet that can be swallowed even by small dogs.
  • quite high cost;
  • exceeding the dosage threatens the animal with a depressed state, increased salivation, in rare cases - fever;
  • should not be used for breeds: collie, sheltie and bobtail, which have a strong susceptibility to macrocyclic lactones.


This product is used to combat tape and round parasites. Active substances (praziquantel, pyrantela pamoat) affect the nervous system and muscles, as well as the metabolism of helminths.

Dosage: 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight.

Cost: for 1 package (6 tablets of 500 mg) - from 170 rubles.

Prazicide tablets for dogs
  • fast effect;
  • if taken together with the suspension, then the stickers are included in the veterinary passport;
  • will also help from immature cestodes;
  • nice price;
  • non-toxic composition of substances;
  • after swallowing, it is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of the dog and after a couple of hours the necessary effect occurs;
  • there is a line for medicinal and prophylactic purposes for different breeds of dogs and cats.
  • it is forbidden to use dogs during pregnancy, as well as weakened and sick pets;
  • overdose can cause problems with the digestive system, affect the general condition of the pet, or even cause loss of appetite;
  • with hypersensitivity, allergies may occur.

Drontal plus

This type of pill helps to get rid of roundworms and is quite common among dog owners, you can find the drug at your veterinary pharmacy. The tablets taste like meat and will please the pet, which will remove the problem of "pushing" the drug into the poor animal.

Dosage: 1 tablet is required for 10 kg of body weight. If the dog weighs up to 5 kg, then half the tablet should be taken.

Cost: ranges from 700 to 850 rubles per package. It contains 2 tablets, each for 10 kg. There is a package for large dogs up to 35 kg, for which you will need to pay about 900 rubles.

Drontal plus
  • the presence of two tablets, which will allow prophylaxis after the first dose several more times, if the dog is a small breed;
  • fast effect and long-term protection against re-infection;
  • availability in pharmacies;
  • palatable to dogs;
  • does not require fasting before use;
  • proven and reliable manufacturer;
  • no toxicity to the body.
  • is quite expensive, especially for owners of large dogs, you will have to shell out good money if they want to get rid of parasites with this drug.

Febtal Combo

This drug is available in the form of a suspension; a syringe with a dispenser is also included. The main active ingredient - praziquanel, also contains albendazole, these substances paralyze the worms and cause their further death.

Dosage: 1 ml of substance per 1 kg of dog's weight.

Cost: about 100 rubles for a 7 ml bottle.

Febtal Combo
  • quickly enters the bloodstream and is carried to all organs and tissues;
  • low price in comparison with many analogues;
  • no allergic reactions and complications were found in different breeds and ages;
  • does not require a hunger strike before use;
  • you can use one remedy for dogs and cats;
  • non-toxic.
  • do not use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the active substance was noted in some pets;
  • contraindicated in puppies up to three weeks old.


This product is universal, it is declared as a remedy for fleas, ticks and worms. Contains imidacloprid and moxidectin, these substances paralyze parasites and lead to their death. It will need to be applied to dry skin at the withers so that the dog does not reach and begin to lick this place. If a rather large dog, then it is recommended to apply in two more places.

Dosage: apply in proportions of 0.1 ml per 10 kg.

Cost: from 1280 rubles, depending on the number of bubbles with drops and the required weight.

Attorney drops from worms
  • suitable for the treatment of several types of parasites at once;
  • you can carry out prevention with this tool;
  • one application is enough;
  • a whole line is produced depending on the weight of the pet;
  • within a month, the agent acts and protects against the penetration of new individuals;
  • when the wool gets wet, the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease;
  • has good absorption.
  • high price;
  • should not be used with children in the house;
  • sometimes redness and other allergic reactions to active ingredients occurred;
  • the remedy will not destroy adult dirofilariae;
  • the full effect can be achieved in a few days.


This remedy protects against 14 types of parasites, including worms. The active substances in the composition are fipronil and moxidectin, they act on the nervous system of the parasite, blocking nerve impulses, which leads to the early death of the entire population.It is applied, like all drops, to an inaccessible place - the withers.

Dosage: 1 bottle in the package, designed for a dog weighing from 4 to 10 kg.

Cost: about 380 rubles per bottle.

Worm drops inspector
  • an important advantage is the permission to use this remedy for pregnant and lactating females, and for puppies from 1.5 months;
  • protection against re-infection lasts about two months;
  • one application is enough;
  • refers to universal remedies and eliminates a large number of parasites.
  • in the package only 1 dose for 1 application;
  • high price for such a dosage;
  • can accumulate in the dog's body;
  • with a weakened pet's health, use is not recommended;
  • there were rare cases of allergies and redness.


These drops are available for dogs of different sizes and are sold in different packages depending on the weight of the pet. They also need to be applied to the dog's blind spot to prevent licking. The active ingredients, praziquantel and moxidectin, will help not only against worms, but also against ticks and fleas.

Dosage: depending on the weight of the dog, various bottles are produced from 0.4 ml for dogs to 4 kg and up to 4 ml for dogs reaching up to 40 kg.

Cost: from 245 to 385 rubles for different bottle sizes.

Helminthal for dogs
  • the remedy is combined and eliminates various types of parasites;
  • acts quickly;
  • average price compared to other drops of this type.
  • do not use in a room where children are;
  • do not use for kidney defects or problems;
  • for serious infections or in a serious condition, it is not recommended to use the agent;
  • inability to use dogs with hypersensitivity.

Dirofen paste

This remedy is made in the form of a paste and is used for small puppies or adult dogs (various packs) to eliminate round and tapeworms. The drug will take effect within a few hours after application. Such a paste is available for adult dogs or puppies, which allows you not to harm the small animal with the wrong dose.

Dosage: 1 ml per 1 kg of dog's weight.

Cost: for a package of 10 ml from 160 rubles

Dirofen-paste for dogs
  • suitable not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes;
  • additionally stimulates the protective natural functions of a growing organism;
  • helps to restore the digestive system after infection with worms;
  • the package contains stickers for a veterinary passport;
  • quickly absorbed and spread throughout the body;
  • no negative reactions were found;
  • not recommended for use in the first two weeks after birth and for pregnant females;
  • contraindicated in dogs with hypersensitivity and with the presence of infections.

Worm infestations can occur in every dog ​​regardless of cleanliness and grooming. The main thing is not to panic and immediately take measures to improve the dog's well-being and get rid of parasites.

Dogs can bring such an infection into the house at any time of the year, and a prompt response will help the pet to quickly and painlessly transfer this disease.

Medicines for worms and other parasites are freely available, and the advantages of a specific manufacturer and various forms of medication will help you choose the right option and get your pet out of trouble.

It is important to remember that after taking the drugs, the dead worms must leave the body, the same applies to the larvae, so that re-infection does not occur.

Compliance with prevention and visiting a veterinarian in due time will not allow starting the disease and will make it possible to cure the pet without much effort and consequences for him.


