
  1. Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic baths
  2. Acrylic bathtub selection criteria
  3. Rating of quality acrylic bathtubs of foreign brands
  4. Rating of Russian-made acrylic bathtubs
  5. The most popular acrylic baths

Rating of the best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs in 2020

Rating of the best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs in 2020

Acrylic bathtubs have appeared on the sanitary ware market relatively recently. 10 years ago it was possible to buy only a cast-iron or steel bathtub, which, as a rule, was of a standard shape and differed only in size.

With the advent of acrylic bathtubs, the situation has changed, since now the range is so wide that buyers have difficulties in choosing a specific model. Acrylic baths are widespread, since they are easy to manufacture, have a low weight and a wide variety of shapes, that is, they do not have the disadvantages of cast-iron and steel baths. The advantage of acrylic baths is their relatively low cost.

Consider the main characteristics, and also make a rating of the best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs in 2020.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic baths

Let's start our review of acrylic baths sold on the market by comparing these products with their competitors - cast iron and steel baths.


The advantages of acrylic-based baths include the following:

  • light weight, due to which delivery and installation does not require a large number of people (as is the case with a cast-iron bath);
  • low thermal conductivity - an acrylic bath maintains the required water temperature for an hour. Due to the fact that the product retains heat for a long time, taking a bath will allow you to relax and take a break from everyday problems;
  • smooth surface without protrusions and depressions - care of the product is very simple, it is enough to periodically wipe it with a wet rag;
  • wide range of shapes and colors, unusual design of products;
  • ease of restoration - repairing an acrylic bathtub does not require a lot of money.


Like any other product, an acrylic-based bathtub has some disadvantages:

  • low strength - even the best acrylic bathtub is not able to compete with cast iron or steel, which is why it needs additional reinforcement with a metal frame;
  • features of operation - before choosing an acrylic bathtub, it is recommended to find out how to use it correctly. So, the product can be damaged from impacts with heavy objects or from exposure to detergents with an abrasive effect;
  • fragility - the maximum service life of even a high-quality acrylic bath is 10-12 years.

Acrylic bathtub selection criteria

In order to decide which bathtub is better to buy, it is necessary to study the main criteria by which these products differ from each other. Acrylic baths are characterized by the following parameters:

Manufacturing material

The starting material for the manufacture of acrylic baths is a complex polymer composition of methacrylic and polymer esters. Acrylic bathtubs can be made from 2 types of raw materials:

  • polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA);
  • acrylonetrile butadiene styrene (ABS).

The material of manufacture directly affects how much the bathtub costs. The second variety (ABS) in its pure form is not used, since it is used to make a base, which is then covered with a layer of PMMA on top. ABS is essentially an elastic plastic, while PMMA is a material similar in quality to glass.

A bathtub based on ABS is not durable (the service life does not exceed 5 years), since this material has porosity, which is why, over time, the product begins to absorb water and deteriorate. Since the ABS layer is about 90% of the bath's thickness, the thin PPMA coating will wear off and the bath quickly deteriorates. These baths are usually inexpensive, and inexperienced shoppers can make the mistake of prioritizing price over quality.

Plumbing made of PMMA is more expensive than products made of ABS, but it has a longer service life (10 - 12 years) and is less prone to mechanical damage (chips, scratches, etc.).

Reinforcement quality

What to look for when choosing an acrylic bath? The functionality and reliability of acrylic bathtubs directly depend on the quality of the reinforcement. In production, reinforcing layers (from 1 to 5) are applied to the finished product from the outside.

Most buyers believe that in order to assess the quality of the reinforcing layer, you need to carefully examine the end of the product. A quality bathtub is covered with a reinforcing layer evenly around the entire perimeter. Unscrupulous manufacturers, knowing that a potential buyer will inspect the quality of the bath's reinforcement at the end (where it is easiest to evaluate), can reinforce these places with better quality than on other parts of the product.

Experienced buyers are advised to pay attention to the reinforcement of the entire product as a whole, special attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places.

In accordance with the recommendations of specialists, when examining the bath, you need to press your finger on its coating, and if it does not bend, you have a quality product in front of you. When inspecting the product visually, you can also use a pocket flashlight - the product should not shine through, otherwise it is recommended to refrain from such a purchase.

Shape and size

With all the variety of acrylic bathtubs offered, when choosing a specific model, you need to be guided by the main characteristic - ease of use.

The optimal height of the product is 60-70 centimeters from the floor level. This height allows both adult family members and children to use the bathroom.

The optimal width for a person of average build is 80 centimeters. At the same time, many modifications are sold, thanks to which even a full person can find a suitable bath for himself.

The length of the bathtub is selected taking into account the dimensions of the room and the height of all family members. If the plumbing is equipped with a headrest, the required length of the product is calculated based on the height of the person minus 10-15 centimeters. If there is no headrest (as a rule, on budget models), the required bath length is equal to the person's height.

The optimal bath depth is determined based on the distance between the bottom of the product and the drain hole. This distance should not be less than 50 centimeters (in order for the water in the bathroom to cover the human body).

According to the location in the room, plumbing is divided into longitudinal and angular structures. Longitudinal products are installed along the wall, and corner products are adjacent to one of the corners.Bathtubs placed in the corner can be either left-sided or right-sided, which is recommended to be considered when purchasing. Most often, rectangular baths are sold. They also produce non-standard products: oval, semicircular, round, square, multifaceted, “quarter circle”. The popularity of rectangular models is due to the low price and ease of placement in a standard bathroom with a small area.

Reliability and strength of the frame

Each bathtub is installed on a special frame, which not only makes it stable, but also serves as a reinforcing element. The larger the capacity of the product, the stronger the frame should be.

In order to buy a quality product, you need to figure out what kind of frames are. The simplest frame consists of a metal frame, which is located under the bottom of the product. In this case, the side walls of the product are not reinforced in any way. The service life of such a bath is not long, and if it has a large capacity, it will quickly become unusable due to deformation.

Experienced buyers recommend choosing products with a frame that also reinforces the side walls. Moreover, the more points of support the plumbing has, the more reliable and durable it will be.

Additional functionality

The advantages of acrylic bathtubs include the possibility of equipping with additional devices for comfort. So, products with the jacuzzi function are popular with buyers. Jacuzzi products compare favorably with other models in that they have a positive effect on health by acting on the human body with hydromassage, which is sometimes complemented by chromotherapy (exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin). The massage effect is achieved due to the circulation of air bubbles in the water, which gently affect the human body. An important parameter is the number of nozzles - the more there are, the better the massage effect.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays improves blood circulation in the skin and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

There are other options available for acrylic bathtubs. These include the presence of a special shelf for a laptop, the ability to listen to music, LED lighting, etc.

Important! Only the best manufacturers equip their products with high-quality jacuzzi and chromotherapy, since the cost of these options increases the average price of sanitary ware, and not every customer can afford products of this level. You should not buy budget models of acrylic bathtubs with additional options, since such products are not able to perform their functions efficiently.

Rating of quality acrylic bathtubs of foreign brands

In order to determine which bathtub is better than others, we will compile a rating of the best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs in 2020. According to customer reviews, products of foreign manufacturers are superior in quality to domestic ones, so we will start our review with them.

Consumers prefer the following brands:

  • Ravak (Czech Republic);
  • Roca (Spain);
  • Cersanit (Poland);
  • Vagnerplast (Czech Republic);
  • Kolo (Poland);
  • Riho (Holland);
  • Pool Spa (Spain).

Since every bath buyer needs a unique set of required characteristics, it is impossible to make a rating that will suit everyone. A description of the advantages and disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs of different brands will allow the buyer to focus on the product that he needs.


The Czech manufacturer Ravak ranks first among all sold acrylic baths in Europe. The company has been manufacturing bathtubs since 1990, and during this period has managed to establish itself on the positive side.

  • strong walls (more than 5 mm), and therefore, the products of this company have a greater weight compared to baths from other manufacturers;
  • a wide range of models, ranging from conventional rectangular, and ending with air massage baths, lighting, and other functions.
  • high price;
  • possible problems with the search for components.
Acrylic bathtub Ravak


In terms of quality, the products of the Spanish brand Roca do not lag behind the previous manufacturer.

  • a thick layer of acrylic (about 6 mm);
  • low cost (due to the availability of production facilities in Russia);

There is only one drawback - when buying a bath from this manufacturer, it is advisable to give preference to products made in Spain, since the Russian plant is known for frequent production defects.

Acrylic bathtub Roca


Baths of the Polish brand Cersanit are considered the best value for money.

Brand advantages are obvious:
  • smooth surface of products;
  • durable frame;
  • bottom with double walls;
  • antibacterial coating, so that the consumer does not have to bother with sanitizing plumbing.
  • the walls of the bathtub are thin, easily bend and will not suit overweight people;
  • since products of this brand can also be manufactured at Ukrainian and Russian factories, you should carefully monitor for possible defects.
Acrylic bathtub Cersanit


Another Czech brand Vagnerplast was the first manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs in Europe. The products of this company are made from 100% PMMA.

  • strength;
  • the ability to maintain a given shape;
  • durability;
  • acrylic thickness - at least 5mm;
  • many different modifications that meet the needs of any customer. So, we offer products with back massage (with adjustable massage intensity), ozonation, and other options.
  • The only drawback is the high price, but the Vagnerplast bathtub is worth the money.
Acrylic bathtub Vagnerplast


The Polish manufacturer Kolo is also well known on the market and is in good demand among buyers.

  • the model range is very wide, products of various modifications and colors are offered;
  • low price;
  • acceptable quality.
  • products of this manufacturer are made of a thin layer of acrylic - 3-5 mm, which is why they are not suitable for overweight people;
  • are not equipped with hydromassage systems.
Acrylic bathtub Kolo


Riho bathtubs are made of high-quality acrylic so that the wall thickness is at least 6 mm. Typically, for products with a capacity of over 300 liters, the wall thickness is over 8 mm.

  • almost all models have an additional reinforced bottom;
  • products have an antibacterial coating, which prevents mold;
  • a wide range that will satisfy the needs of any buyer.
  • among the advantages inherent in the baths of this manufacturer, only one drawback stands out - the high cost, especially for non-standard models.
Acrylic bathtub Riho

Pool Spa

The Spanish company Pool Spa specializes in the production of designer bathtubs with a set of all kinds of additional options. The company's products are of high quality, but at the same time the cost is appropriate.

  • high-quality raw material - high-strength acrylic is used for the production of these bathtubs, which contributes to a long service life;
  • ease of use - the products are very comfortable, suitable for people of any height;
  • additional accessories and options.
  • high price;
  • fakes are often found, so it is better to buy plumbing fixtures of this brand from a trusted supplier.
Acrylic Pool Spa Bath

Rating of Russian-made acrylic bathtubs

Russian-made bathtubs are leading in terms of sales in Russia due to the fact that the cost of these products is low. In large quantities, such products are bought by developers for the construction of new residential buildings. However, ordinary buyers who do not have a lot of money also often buy domestic manufacturers' plumbing fixtures.

Products of the following Russian manufacturers have won the greatest popularity among buyers:

  • Triton;
  • BAS;
  • 1Marka;
  • Radomir;
  • Aquanet.


Triton acrylic bathtubs are manufactured on proven equipment of an American manufacturer. Some models are made by hand. They are, as a rule, stronger and better quality than those made by conveyor belts, but at the same time they are much more expensive.

  • baths of this brand are of good quality;
  • as well as a wide assortment (there are more than 60 items on the market).
  • Thin wall thickness;
  • frequent marriage.
Acrylic bathtub Triton


The Russian company BAS is also famous for its high-quality and modern products.

  • all plumbing fixtures of this brand are covered with a special antibacterial compound, so they are not subject to mold;
  • the manufacturer gives a good guarantee - 10 years.
  • manufacturing defect;
  • unpleasant odor found on some models.
Acrylic bathtub BAS


1Marka brand products are made of acrylic with a wall thickness of 4-6 mm, which makes the bathtubs durable. The range of products offered is very wide, from simple rectangular to designer models with Jacuzzi, chromotherapy and other functions.

  • made of high quality acrylic;
  • a large selection of various modifications;
  • good value for money.
  • possible manufacturing defect in some models.
Acrylic bathtub 1Marka


Products of the Russian company Radomir are made exclusively by the injection method, with an acrylic layer thickness of at least 5 mm.

  • the possibility of modifying the basic model of the bathtub with the help of additional accessories into an elite one with many options;
  • whirlpool baths from this manufacturer produce minimal noise.
  • no significant ones.
Acrylic bathtub Radomir


Aquanet products are designed for different categories of buyers.

  • most of the brand's models are characterized by many anatomical curves for maximum comfort when taking a bath;
  • almost every product can be equipped with a hydromassage;
  • wall thickness is at least 5 mm;
  • low price.

Most experts consider the products of this manufacturer to be the best on the Russian market.

  • Among the shortcomings, one can single out only a possible marriage of some products.
Acrylic bathtub Aquanet

The most popular acrylic baths

Of the rectangular baths, the Roca Hall 170 × 75 bathtub stands out. She has a standard shape without unnecessary bends, with straight and even sides.

Acrylic bathtub Roca Hall 170 × 75
  • comfortable hand projections are made in the bathtub, thanks to which you can sit in the bath with great convenience;
  • the surface of the product is smooth, but not slippery;
  • the length allows an adult to sit comfortably.

The most popular among the “quarter circle” bathtubs was recognized as the bathtub of the Russian manufacturer 1Marka PICCOLO 150 × 75 without hydromassage.

Acrylic bathtub 1Marka PICCOLO 150 × 75 without hydromassage
  • it attracts buyers at a low price (about 15,000 rubles);
  • and small size (which is important for small apartments with combined bathrooms).

At the same time, compactness for many buyers is both an advantage and a significant disadvantage - it is difficult to fit comfortably in the bathtub, therefore it can only be used for bathing children and taking a shower by adult family members.

The most purchased bathtub of the high price range is Triton ISABEL 170x100. The cost of such a bath starts at 55,000 rubles. For this price, the buyer will receive a product with a capacity of 270 liters, with a comfortable headrest and a hydromassage function.

Acrylic bathtub Triton ISABEL 170x100
  • corrugated bottom that prevents the possibility of falling;
  • unusual shape of the bathtub that attracts attention;
  • easy care thanks to the antibacterial coating.

Given the variety of acrylic bathtubs on offer, it is difficult to decide which model will combine the best value for money. We hope that our rating will help you in this difficult matter. When buying an acrylic bathtub, we advise you to take into account not only the appearance and quality characteristics of the product, but also check with the seller which set of options and completeness are included in the price of the product, since the connection of additional functions, setting the nozzles, as a rule, is not included in the price of the product.


