
  1. Home remedies for whitening things
  2. Professional whitening products
  3. List of Best Whitening Products
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best laundry bleach for 2020

Rating of the best laundry bleach for 2020

White things need special care and yellowing is common. The main reason is frequent washing at low temperatures and calcium deposits. Of course, you can restore the whiteness of things and get rid of stains using folk remedies and advice. But often, housewives are faced with pollution that they cannot cope with on their own, modern special bleaching agents come to the rescue. Let's talk in an article about the best bleach for laundry.

Home remedies for whitening things

Often housewives try to return their former whiteness to things at home, not using store-bought bleaches, but resorting to simple and affordable products.

Here are just a few options for folk recipes for bleaching fabrics:

  • hydrogen peroxide

method of application: 1 tbsp. dissolve in 2 liters. water. Soak white things in the prepared solution soak things for 30 minutes (no longer recommended); in case you want to whiten stains, things should be soaked for 30 minutes in hot water, then apply a small amount of peroxide to the contaminated areas;

  • soda

method of application: there are several of them, you can add soda to the washing machine (0.5 cups of soda in a container). Set the mode according to the type of fabric. Soaking: in 5 l. dissolve 5 tablespoons of water. hydrogen peroxide and 2 tablespoons. soda. Soak white items for 2-3 hours to bleach; boiling: add 3 tablespoons of water to five liters of water. soda, bring the solution to a boil, soak things and leave for 30 minutes, stirring the laundry periodically;

  • potassium permanganate and laundry soap

method of application: grate half of the soap and dissolve in 5 liters of hot water, add a few granules of potassium permanent. The color of the prepared solution should be pale pink. Put things in the solution, leave until the water cools down. If things are heavily soiled, have a gray tint, then it is recommended to soak it for a long time, but not more than 8 hours. After that, you should take out the laundry and rinse it in clean water several times.

  • ammonia

method of application: 1 tablespoon l. Dissolve ammonia in 5 liters. water, in case of severe contamination of things, 1 tablespoon can be added to the solution. salt. Soak laundry for 30 minutes and rinse well.

  • acetylsalicylic acid

method of application: dissolve 5-8 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in 5 liters of water (the amount depends on the degree of soiling of the laundry). Soak laundry for 1-1.5 hours, rinse thoroughly.

Professional whitening products

If home and affordable remedies do not cope with the task of whitening, then the necessary household chemicals can be found on store shelves, today the assortment of this group of products is wide, differs in composition, shape, type and, of course, price.

Bleach is a special detergent that removes stains from clothes, restores their whiteness.

The product enters into a chemical reaction with pollution, destroys stains and removes them from clothes, lightens white clothes.

Types of bleaches on store shelves

You have to choose among household chemicals, which contain chlorine, oxygen, or optical brighteners.

Chlorine bleaching products contain sodium hypochlorite, which lightens fabrics and is often used in detergents. This type has its advantages:

  • almost instant and pronounced whitening effect;
  • a clear disinfecting effect.

The provided effect is the result of the oxidation process. It is worth remembering that chlorine variants have a specific smell.

Chlorine bleach should be used with caution, as large quantities of them can irritate the eyes, mucous membranes and respiratory tract. They are dangerous not only for humans, but can also damage tissue fibers.

Another disadvantage is that you need to work with them carefully, carefully observe the dosage, do not use for colored fabrics and clothes with a pattern, use only for hand washing and work with rubber gloves.

Chlorine bleaches are more commonly available in liquid form, but can sometimes be found in powder and spray form.

Important! Do not use bleach containing chlorine in washing machines, as this can lead to corrosion on metal parts.

Safer but equally effective products include oxygen bleach. They can be used for washing in automatic machines, for hand washing, they do not cause allergic reactions. They are oxygen-based and therefore can be used for white items, as well as those with bright designs, prints and patterns.

As with chlorine bleaches, the oxygen-based product should be added in dosage, and in case of getting rid of stains, it should be applied to the place of contamination.

Oxygen bleaches have a higher cost, but they are popular among housewives, save them time for bleaching things, when using them, additional soaking and boiling are not required. On the shelves of household stores, such bleaches can be found in powder form or in the form of a concentrated liquid. Such products can be combined with other detergents.

Optics contain reflective particles to mask contamination. After using optical brightener, gray elements appear more radiant. Products from this group can only be used for clean white items that have lost their freshness after several washes. The disadvantage is that they are not suitable for garments with colorful elements and patterns.

Optical brighteners added to washing powders convert invisible UV radiation into visible light through fluorescence.

Thanks to them, things with a yellowish color (which absorb light in blue) appear whiter (the spectrum of their reflected radiation is "complemented" by the missing blue part).

Optical bleach particles adhere well to textiles.

Bleach selection criteria

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • volume (in order to save the household budget, it is worth choosing bleach in large packages, they are attractive in price and will last longer);
  • form of release - bleaches are available in various forms, those in the form of a pencil or a spray, allow you to accurately apply the product to stains and soiled areas.

Features of the choice of bleach for children

When purchasing household chemicals with a whitening effect for small child's things, it is safest to choose it based on oxygen, because the child's skin is especially susceptible to the harmful effects of chemical detergents and, therefore, allergic reactions.

Important! Regardless of what you will use when washing or bleaching baby clothes, you must rinse them thoroughly. In this way, the risk of chemicals remaining on clothing can be minimized.

Tips for keeping things whiteness

Simple recommendations will help to keep things whiteness:

  • when loading things into the washing machine, be sure to sort the clothes;
  • wash light and dark items separately;
  • do not leave things dirty for a long time, it is more difficult to remove old stains;
  • set the mode and temperature of the water when washing in the machine in accordance with the type of fabric;
  • exclude frequent washing of things, and do not dry them in direct sunlight.

List of Best Whitening Products


Over time, white fabrics turn gray and acquire a yellowish tint, the reason is frequent washing, Typhoon oxygen bleach easily and simply restores the white color of the fabric, which remains even after subsequent washes.

Price - 170 rubles.

Type - powder.

bleach typhoon
  • maximum whitening thanks to the ultra-white formula;
  • affordable price;
  • restores the whiteness of gray, yellowed fabrics;
  • with stain remover;
  • effective at low temperatures;
  • the product can be used with all detergents at any temperature from 20 ° C (the higher the temperature, the better the results).
  • suitable for both white fabrics and bright elements;
  • copes well with different types of pollution;
  • economical and effective means;
  • convenient packaging with a dispenser;
  • can be used on cotton, synthetic colors, white and light fabrics.
  • not.

CJ Lion Bleach Beat O2

An oxygen-based product that effectively fights the yellowness of things, with stains and restores its former whiteness.

Price - 487 rubles.

Type - powder.

CJ Lion Bleach Beat O2
  • suitable for old stains;
  • effective remedy;
  • suitable for white and colored items;
  • suitable for washing baby clothes.
  • a little expensive.

"Eco2 Oxygen + Soda"

Bleach with oxygen in combination with soda, in addition to the whitening effect, has a stain-removing property. This tool can be used in automatic machines.

Price - 198 rubles.

Type - powder, weight 500 gr.

Eco2 Oxygen + Soda
  • high oxygen content;
  • ecological bleach;
  • quickly and almost completely dissolves in water;
  • effective at low temperatures;
  • rinses well;
  • does not harm tissue, does not violate its structure;
  • refreshing aroma;
  • bleaches and disinfects at the same time;
  • suitable for hand washing and for use in washing machines;
  • compatible with other detergents and detergents.
  • not.

Chirton oxygen

Powdered bleach suitable for different types of fabrics, including delicate ones (underwear).

Price - 260 rubles.

Type - powder.

Chirton oxygen
  • affordable price;
  • convenient packaging;
  • includes a spoon - dispenser;
  • effective in combating stains of various origins;
  • suitable for cotton, linen and synthetic materials;
  • economical, low consumption.
  • according to customer reviews, it does not always cope with the task.

Lion bright

Oxygen bleach liquid, suitable for all types of fabric. This bleach has an antibacterial effect, removes stubborn and obsolete stains well, retains their original color.

Price - 380 rubles.

Type - liquid

Lion bright
  • easily copes with various dirt;
  • effective for removing stains and grease marks on collars and cuffs;
  • suitable for different types of fabrics, including delicate ones;
  • bottle cap - dispenser;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • comfortable spout;
  • instant and high-quality whitening of yellowed things.
  • not found.

Gel Ludwik

Oxygen bleach for colored fabrics, its effective formula removes stains well. Safe for knitwear (except for wool and linen), does not accumulate chlorine and harmful phosphates, does not discolor fabric.

Price - 230 rubles.

Type - gel, liquid.

Gel Ludwik
  • concentrated;
  • low consumption;
  • visible result;
  • suitable for items with a pattern;
  • does not contain phosphates;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • effective gel formula;
  • safe to use;
  • no chlorine;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • not.

Biofeedback plus

Liquid bleach with active oxygen will easily restore whiteness to your clothes, universal, can be used for different types of fabrics.

Price RUB 282

Type - liquid.

bleach BOS plus
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • you can bleach delicate fabrics, including lace, silk;
  • does not harm tissues, maintains their brightness, does not destroy fibers;
  • can be used with other detergents;
  • freshens things, is effective in combating stubborn stains;
  • small expense of funds.
  • according to customer reviews, it is ineffective.


A product based on active oxygen, which allows you to easily remove dirt and stains. This sanitary product is suitable for both white fabrics and garments with bright colors and patterns.

Price - 559 rubles.

Type - powder.

hotel Sodasan
  • copes with the main task carefully and efficiently;
  • returns whiteness to fabrics;
  • gives freshness;
  • colored things do not lose their brightness;
  • organic product;
  • made from natural ingredients;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • allowed for use when washing children's clothes, delicate fabrics;
  • a good alternative to synthetic bleaches;
  • the composition contains soda, due to which the water softens when washing or soaking, thereby increasing the effectiveness of bleaching.
  • a little expensive.


Thanks to this bleach, housewives can easily achieve crystal whiteness of clothes and linen.

Price - 636 rubles.

Type - powder.

  • impeccable quality;
  • visible result;
  • can be used for washing children's clothes, delicate fabrics;
  • copes with old stains, dried dirt;
  • convenient packaging;
  • dosing spoon included;
  • preserves the appearance of things;
  • well soluble in water;
  • compatible with other products;
  • does not harm or destroy fabric fibers.
  • high price.


All-purpose bleach powder, domestic production, which does not contain chlorine, is designed for stain removal and bleaching, suitable for colored and white fabrics.

Price - 11 rubles.

Type - powder.

bleach cinderella
  • affordable price;
  • efficiency and versatility;
  • copes well with dirt;
  • lack of chlorine.
  • not.


A liquid bleach that will bleach, clean and wash at the same time.

Price - 64 rubles.

Type - liquid.

Chistin liquid bleach
  • convenient packaging, made of dense plastic;
  • good volume;
  • low cost;
  • gel-like liquid;
  • low consumption;
  • there is no strong smell of chlorine.
  • contains chlorine;
  • careful use is required;
  • not suitable for colored items;
  • not recommended for washing baby clothes.


Chlorine bleaching agent, effective and reliable.

Price - 830 rubles.

Type - liquid.

bleach Mitsuei
  • good volume;
  • does not harm tissues, does not destroy their structure;
  • suitable for white clothes;
  • convenient packaging;
  • in the complete set a watering can.
  • not used for colored items;
  • not suitable for washing children's clothes;
  • careful use is required;
  • has a strong and intense smell of chlorine.


When choosing household chemicals, housewives are guided, first of all, by safety, and therefore it is better to give preference to oxygen bleach.They have a number of advantages and are in demand among buyers. The assortment of such products is varied, which allows you to choose a product, the result of which will certainly be satisfied. The main thing is not to rush, carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, choose the right one for your clothes and, after use, admire the whiteness of linen and clothes.


