
  1. Preparations for open air
  2. Effective substances for home use
  3. Means for eliminating the consequences of a bite
  4. Rating of the most popular insect repellents for 2020

Ranking of the best insect repellents for 2020

Ranking of the best insect repellents for 2020

On the modern consumer market, there are many drugs that have a negative effect on insects that afflict people. Their range of applications is very wide. They are used outdoors, indoors, by applying to clothing or skin. The composition and consistency of these products also vary, ranging from thick creams and gels to volatile aerosols. One way or another, each type of substance is used for specific purposes and is carried out under certain conditions.

Preparations for open air

So that annoying mosquitoes, midges and ticks do not bother in nature, manufacturers recommend using mosquito bracelets. This is a very convenient and effective way to protect yourself from flying and falling insects. This product is a small strip of special material, about 1 cm wide, soaked in a non-toxic solution. The bracelets do not cause an allergic reaction. Their service life is 1 month, so this universal product can be worn by both adults and children from 2 years of age.

The patch is shorter in time of use. This small adhesive elastic plate adheres to clothing and is active for 12 hours. This is a very handy device for small children.

The next drug that repels and destroys harmful insects is aerosol. Its single application to clothing or skin has a protective effect for 4 hours. It should be remembered that when spraying the body, the substance should not be applied to the palms, the area around the eyes and mouth. When using aerosol by children, it is advisable to handle only parts of clothing.


For the same purpose, manufacturers suggest using creams. It is recommended to apply them in a thin layer to the body, but avoid contact with open wounds or scratches. In addition to the protective properties of such substances, moisture is also included. The maximum effect of the cream is achieved when used on damp skin. If such a substance is intended for children, then it should be chosen only with natural ingredients in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Lotions with different scent can be used for similar purposes. They are also applied to the skin, but rubbing in such products is not recommended.

For children, you can use wet wipes with a special impregnation against insects. They are comfortable to use and do not leave stains on clothes, and when applied to the skin are quickly absorbed.When handling the child's body, you should follow the standard rules and do not use wipes in the mouth, eyes and palms.

Effective substances for home use

Different types of preparations have been developed and presented depending on the type of insects. These can be gels, powders, aerosols, traps, spirals, and repellents. So, for crawling ants and cockroaches, the use of gel and powder products will be acceptable, but for flying ones it is better to use sprayed ones.

According to consumers, gels are the most effective against cockroaches and house ants. They are easy to use, safe for people and animals. It is enough to apply them to the places where the accumulation of insects was noticed, and leave for a while. With a small number of pests, one use is enough, otherwise the procedure must be repeated several times.

Insecticidal substances, used mainly for the destruction of bedbugs, are produced in the form of powders, solutions and aerosols. They have a more aggressive chemical composition and a rich, pungent odor.

It is advisable to use powdered insect repellents in rooms with a minimum amount of furniture and the absence of carpets and carpets. This is due to the fact that when using the powder, dust is formed, which settles on all fluffy surfaces. It can cause allergic reactions and other inconveniences.

For mosquitoes, midges and similar flying insects, the use of aerosol, liquid, spiral devices and plates will be effective.

Aerosols, liquids and plates for fumigators for the most part have a pleasant smell, not having a harmful effect on the human body and domestic animals, but coping well with the destruction of insects. It is recommended to use the sprayed substances in an empty room at a distance of about 30 cm from the ceiling. The aerosols show the maximum effect after 15 minutes. after application. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to ventilate and wash the room.

Liquid substances and plates are used in electrical fumigators. Heating to a certain temperature, the liquid and the impregnation of the plates evaporate, releasing poisonous vapors into the air, destroying flying insects. Experts warn that during the use of such substances in the room where the aquarium is located, it is advisable to take it out in advance.

Helixes are more aggressive drugs for controlling harmful insects. They are twisted loops made from wood flour and impregnated with a special chemical solution. If necessary, such a spiral is set on fire for several minutes. The released poisonous vapors, getting into the respiratory system of insects, cause their immediate death.

When using such devices, experts recommend that people not be in this room to avoid inhalation of harmful carcinogens. At the end of the procedure, the room must be thoroughly ventilated. If possible, it is advisable to use spirals as rarely as possible.

The next type of means in the fight against harmful insects are glue and electric traps. The first is a small glue surface treated with a specific solution that attracts insects, which, touching it, remain there forever. Electric traps spread an attractive scent. With the minimum approach of pests, an electrical discharge destroys them occurs.

Currently, safe ultrasonic and electronic repellents (repellents) are actively used. Their principle of action is the formation of magnetic impulses and signals of a certain frequency, which have a fatal effect on the nervous system of insects. At the same time, they do not cause any harm to people and pets.

Means for eliminating the consequences of a bite

If the bite could not be avoided and itching, swelling, redness, blistering or other manifestations appeared in its place, it is necessary to resort to the help of special means. They are also offered by various manufacturers in a wide range.

Depending on which particular insect has bitten a person, the following means should be used:

  • with a mosquito bite - anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, soothing;
  • with a tick bite - antiseptic;
  • when bitten by bed bugs - antipruritic, decongestant;
  • for bee and wasp stings - antiallergic, pain relievers.

It is also worth considering the type of skin. For dry and flaky skin, it is advisable to use emollient creams or ointments. If the skin is moist, then the use of drying gels will be effective. One way or another, whatever drug is used, you should first study the instructions for side effects.

Rating of the most popular insect repellents for 2020

According to the opinion of many buyers, as well as the number of sales, we have identified a list of the most commonly used insect repellents for 2020.


These substances occupy a leading position in the fight against pests both outdoors and indoors. Like other drugs, they contain toxins, but in a limited and acceptable concentration that does not harm human health. However, according to experts, if the use of this drug is not necessary, then it should be removed from the skin surface.

Repellents are available in various forms:

  • gels;
  • creams;
  • lotions;
  • emulsions;
  • the pencils;
  • ointments;
  • aerosols.

Such products are mainly intended for application to the skin. Their duration of action is usually short and varies from 2 to 4 hours. A significant disadvantage of their use is the ban on their use in the presence of skin diseases such as dermatitis.

When using repellents, it should be remembered that at temperatures above 25 ° C, its effect practically stops, therefore, experts recommend not to expose these drugs to direct sunlight, and also to leave them in a room or transport located on the sunny side.

When purchasing agents that repel pests, it is advisable to give preference to pharmacies in order to avoid buying low-quality goods with an expired shelf life or stored in improper conditions.

Stop Komar (Russia)

This product is a spray that, when applied to clothing or skin, repels mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, ticks, fleas and wood lice.

When using substances in this category, certain precautions should be observed, namely:

  • handle clothing and body parts outdoors;
  • keep the sprayer at arm's length;
  • the direction of the spray should correspond to the direction of the wind;
  • the distance between the surface of the clothing and the can should be at least 20-25 cm;
  • apply to fabric until lightly moisturized;
  • after processing, the product should be dried within 1 hour.

Such spraying of clothes is capable of maintaining its properties for 30 days. When this substance is applied directly to the skin, its duration is reduced to 5 hours.

insect repellent Stop Mosquito
  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • convenient packaging;
  • acceptable price.
  • the presence of preservatives and fragrances.

Gardeks Naturin (Russia)

The products of this brand are popular among consumers due to their effectiveness. Manufacturers carefully monitor the composition of their products and prioritize protecting people from insects. The presented tool is able to maintain its repellent properties for 5 days from blood-sucking mosquitoes and mosquitoes, as well as within 15 days from ticks and fleas.

When leaving the house on a hike or for a long walk, it is necessary to treat outerwear with this spray.The manufacturer warns that the aerosol should not be applied directly to the skin. The spraying time should be 2 minutes. Before use, the can should be shaken for 2-3 seconds. The rest of the requirements are similar to the previous tool.

If a walk is planned in an area where ticks may be, then the preliminary processing of clothes should be carried out more carefully. Particular attention must be paid to places where the pest may enter an open area of ​​the body. It is advisable to dry clothes after such spraying for at least 2 hours. The impregnated set must be worn over your underwear.

Due to the presence of aggressive components in the product, its use is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

insect repellent Gardeks Naturin
  • great quality;
  • ease of use;
  • long duration of action;
  • naturalness of ingredients;
  • delicate protection;
  • full protection.
  • presence of aggressive components.

Gardeks Extreme (Russia)

This super-aerosol won buyers over with its high protective properties against all flying insects. Its long-term effect, which is 5 days when processing clothes, and up to 8 hours when applied to the skin, ensures a comfortable pastime for people in the open air.

The manufacturer's warning during the use of this product is to avoid contact with the spray in the eyes, mouth and on damaged skin. It also cannot be used for processing synthetic fabrics and plastics.

insect repellent Gardeks Extreme
  • high efficiency;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • duration of action.
  • only natural fabrics can be processed.

Moskitol spray (Russia)

Aerosol "Professional protection" of this brand has shown itself perfectly in extreme conditions. Its high efficiency and long-term preservation of deterrent properties have provided wide popularity among fishermen, hunters and fans of extreme types of recreation. Due to the small amount of abrasive substances in the composition of the spray, its application is possible not only on clothes, but also on open areas of the body. The duration of one treatment is 8 hours.

insect repellent Mosquito spray
  • convenient form;
  • excellent effect;
  • universality of application;
  • optimal concentration of abrasive components;
  • acceptable price.
  • not found.

Anticomarin (Russia)

The products of this brand are universal. It can be used both as a repellent and as a drug that copes well with the effects of bites from blood-sucking pests. Due to the presence of essential oils from natural ingredients, namely cloves, cinnamon and vanilla, the drug repels mosquitoes, midges, flies, horseflies, and also has a soothing effect on the skin surface after bites.

The use of such a substance is possible both on open skin areas and on clothing. When processing the latter, one should not be afraid that stains may form. This is out of the question. The product of this brand does not contain alcohol elements, therefore it is absolutely non-toxic, and after application to the skin does not require subsequent rinsing.

insect repellent Anticomarin
  • natural composition;
  • universal application;
  • excellent effect;
  • does not contaminate clothes;
  • does not require rinsing.
  • not identified.

Reftamid Maximum (Russia)

The aerosol is designed to repel pests of all kinds on the street. It can be applied to both skin and clothing. When treating open areas of the body, the spray must be sprayed onto the palm, and then (without rubbing), treat all unprotected areas of the body, and then slightly moisten the entire set of clothes. The process should be carried out in accordance with the necessary safety requirements.After completing the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap and water. One spray is enough for application:

  • on the skin - over 4 hours;
  • on clothing against mosquitoes and horseflies - up to 30 days;
  • for a set of protective clothing against ticks - up to 5 days.

If it is necessary to re-process, it can be done after 3-5 days.

Since the drug contains abrasive chemicals, there are some restrictions on human use:

  • susceptible to individual intolerance to the constituent components;
  • under the age of 16;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

insect repellent Reftamide Maximum
  • high protective effect;
  • long duration of action;
  • ease of use;
  • acceptable cost.
  • restrictions on use.

Picnic Bio Active (UK)

The spray of this manufacturer is designed to repel mosquitoes and ticks. The aerosol has been shown to be effective when applied to both skin and clothing. The time during which the drug acts is from 5 days when fighting ticks, and also varies from 8 to 30 days when processing open areas of the body and all clothing, respectively. The products of this brand have a light consistency and do not leave stains when spraying on fabric.

insect repellent Picnic Bio Active
  • effectiveness of protection;
  • high quality;
  • long-term action;
  • comfortable use.
  • overpriced, according to buyers, the price.


As mentioned, these devices from all types of pests are the safest for people and pets due to the absence of toxic components in them. By acting on pests, physically or electrically, they gradually get rid of them in closed rooms.

Gel Raptor (Russia)

This gel trap is designed to gradually kill ants and cockroaches. The preparation contains a substance that lures insects. By eating it, they become distributors of the deadly component among their "relatives". Consequently, a chain reaction of infection occurs, which leads to the extermination of the entire population of "uninvited guests" in the home.

The bitter additives included in the preparation prevent the possibility of accidental use by pets or small children.

Gel Raptor
  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • economical consumption;
  • optimal price.
  • not detected.

Raptor trap for food moth (Russia)

Safe glue trap of this brand reliably protects food products from moths. It does not contain abrasive reagents and prevents the appearance of pests. The validity period of such a tool is 3 months.

Trap Raptor from food moth
  • high efficiency;
  • safety of use;
  • long term of validity.
  • not found.

Trap lamp "Lantern"

This trap has proven to be highly effective when used both indoors and in small open areas. This device is a lamp operating from a standard electrical network with a voltage of 220 V. The principle of operation is as follows: special ultraviolet LEDs emit light, on which all types of flying insects flock. When touching the lattice surrounding the luminaire, which is under voltage, an electric shock occurs, which causes death to pests.

For greater work efficiency, manufacturers recommend using this device away from any light sources and placing it at least two meters from the ground.

Trap lamp Lantern
  • the convenience of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • Beautiful design.
  • not identified.

Comfort device

This device has a similar effect with the previous device. It is designed to destroy crawling and flying pests, as it can be located on any surface or suspended on a special device.

Its operation is carried out from a power source of 220 V. The distance at which the device operates is at least 20 m. This product does not contain any chemical and harmful substances, but only works for electric shock. Its use is designed for closed rooms.

insect repellent Komfort
  • high protective effect;
  • designed to combat various types of pests;
  • wide range of action;
  • safety.
  • not detected.


This category of drugs is designed for the complete destruction of various pests. They are effectively used indoors.

Moskitol 60 nights (Russia)

This product is presented in the form of a fumigator fluid, which, when connected to a power source, reaches its maximum level of operation within 5 minutes. Evaporating, the liquid releases vapors with aggressive components into the air, which can quickly destroy all flying pests in the room. The peculiarity of the products of this brand is that its work is highly efficient even with open windows. Depending on the amount of insecticide in the container, the drug is designed for a certain number of nights. The liquid from this manufacturer is odorless and is classified as the safest product due to the precisely calibrated concentration of chemicals in the composition. These products can also be used in the presence of children or pets.

insect repellent Moskitol 60 nights
  • high efficiency;
  • economical consumption;
  • safety of use;
  • acceptable price.
  • not identified.

Spiral Raptor

This product consists of unbreakable curls, packaged in several pieces in each package. They are designed for both indoor and outdoor use. The duration of one coil is within 7 hours. For ease of use, the kit includes a convenient stand-holder. This device has proven itself to be effective against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges and other flying insects.

insect repellent Spirals Raptor
  • reliable protection;
  • the convenience of use;
  • complete with stand.
  • the presence of abrasive substances in the composition.

For kids

Since almost all insect repellent products contain chemicals in a certain concentration, a physical fence is the best way to protect a newborn from annoying mosquitoes. This can be installing mosquito nets on windows, covering a stroller with a baby with gauze, tulle or tulle, placing an adhesive trap or an ultrasonic repeller.

But if, nevertheless, there was a need to use protective equipment, then the following age gradation should be adhered to.

From the age of one, a baby can be treated with Picnic products, which are hypoallergenic. The duration of action of such a remedy is about 2 hours, but pediatricians recommend not using these aerosols more than 2 times a day.

For children from two years old, you can use a wider range of products from some brands. These include:

  • Baby death;
  • Gardex;
  • Babycoccole.

From the age of 3, the baby can put on a special repellent bracelet on the handle, but it is better to take it off and use Mommy Care oil during a night's sleep.

A five-year-old child can use more toxic products, but intended specifically for children. These include spirals that are placed and used in the children's room.

Teenagers can use all other insect repellents almost on a par with adults.

Baby Data Kroha

This product is a spray containing aloe vera that gently cares for the delicate skin of a small child. The aerosol is water-based, which ensures its safety. It can be used from one year of age. It is desirable for them to handle open areas of the body, baby things and a stroller.

insect repellent Baby Deta Kroha
  • natural composition;
  • safety;
  • high protective properties.
  • the price is above average.

Gardeks Baby

This product is a spray that can be used to protect one year old children from annoying insects. It can be applied both to open areas of the body and to clothing, but only of natural origin. Application for synthetic fabrics and plastics is not allowed. The protection period for such a drug is about 3 hours. When using, avoid contact with mouth, eyes and body injuries. Chamomile and calendula, which are part of the perfume, moisturize the baby's skin.

Even with such a completely safe composition, these products should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Do not store the product at temperatures exceeding + 30 ° C.

insect repellent Gardeks Baby
  • guaranteed effect;
  • high quality;
  • the presence of natural fragrances;
  • moisturizing effect.
  • not detected.

Babycoccole cream

Products of this brand are designed to protect newborns. It contains only natural ingredients, namely the essential oils of geranium, lemongrass and lemon balm. Thanks to these components, the cream has a delicate structure and provides a delicate, but at the same time, reliable protection of the baby's thin skin. It is easy to apply, smells good and leaves no oily stains.

insect repellent Babycoccole cream
  • reliable protection;
  • natural composition;
  • nice smell;
  • convenience and ease of use.
  • not found.

Gardex Baby - mosquito repellent bracelet

A very handy device was suggested by Chinese manufacturers. Its principle of action is a non-contact repellent. The natural composition, including essential oils of plant components, allows it to be used to protect children from the age of two. The bracelet comes with 3 removable cartridges, each of which works for 3 weeks. In order to avoid swallowing small parts by the baby, a bitter food additive is applied to it.

Gardex Baby - mosquito repellent bracelet
  • excellent protective properties;
  • safety;
  • profitability;
  • ease of use.
  • not identified.

Raptor Nekusayka 30 nights

This is a fumigator liquid. Its volume is designed for 30 nights of use. The device is suitable for children over 3 years old. The robust specially designed barrel of the container eliminates the possibility of accidental leakage or swallowing of liquid. The substance is odorless and consists only of natural and safe ingredients. A special kind of pink chamomile extract and this one included in the composition provide a lightning-fast effect on blood-sucking pests, thereby reliably protecting children during sleep.

This substance, developed by Japanese scientists, has a nerve effect on pests, while remaining completely safe for the human body and pets due to its minimum concentration in the composition of the drug.

Raptor Nekusayka 30 nights
  • fast effect;
  • natural composition;
  • great quality;
  • safety;
  • profitability.
  • not detected.

Gardex Baby - after bite plaster

If it was not possible to avoid an insect bite, then the plasters of this brand will help to effectively eliminate its consequences. Their popularity among Russian consumers is due to the good protective function of the bite site from scratching and the ingress of microbes, as well as the cooling and soothing effect on the damaged area of ​​the baby's skin. Most importantly, they depict various pictures that the child will certainly like, so he will gladly allow him to stick a plaster on himself. The time of use of each of them lasts at least 4 hours, and the total service life is 5 years.

Gardex Baby - after bite plaster
  • calming effect;
  • ease of use;
  • original design;
  • long term of use.
  • not found.

At first glance at the variety of pest control devices and preparations offered by manufacturers, you can get confused, take the wrong step and choose the wrong one. That is why you should not rush in such cases. Having first ordered all the necessary requirements that the product must meet, you should review the proposed list and discard the unsuitable options. Then it is recommended to carefully study the instructions for the product you like, and if it mostly meets the necessary conditions, then only then can you make a purchase. And then - with a worthy choice on a worthy trip!


