
  1. About paintballs
  2. Classes of paintball balls
  3. The best paintball balls

Review of the best paintball balls for 2020

Review of the best paintball balls for 2020
  • Posted by: Sport, Hobby
  • Views count: 957
  • Reading time: 8 minutes.

The paintball game is rapidly gaining popularity. If earlier it was a hobby of a narrow circle of friends, now it has gained popularity among millions of people around the world. Amateurs organize their teams, hold tournaments. On the territory of our vast country, more than one hundred clubs have been opened, which are visited by beginners and experienced players. But in order to play the game, you need to acquire special equipment that you can get at the club or buy your own. Besides protective ammunition, you need markers and special bullets, which are called balls.

About paintballs

At first, the shells for the game were made from a spongy material. It was dipped in paint and the ammunition was ready for use. This option was difficult to dispose of, and it didn’t have the best characteristics. The flight range was not high, the flight speed was low.

Currently, the ammunition is a gelatin capsule that is filled with water-soluble paint. They are sleek and lightweight so they can travel long distances quickly. The strength of the capsules allows them not to burst inside the barrel. Along with this quality, they have fragility, which creates a rupture of the ball when colliding with an object after a shot.

The paint and shell do not contain harmful substances that would harm nature during the decomposition process. The paint is easily washed off with water from clothes, or rain during the game.

An open bag with balls is not subject to long-term storage. Better to use them within a few days. With prolonged storage, the surface of the capsule becomes more durable, such balls will cause severe pain when hit. It may also not burst on collision.

Classes of paintball balls

The most inexpensive and affordable option is rental class ammunition. They are used in paintball clubs. Not all balls have the correct spherical shape, they can have different weights, you can also see air bubbles on them. When hitting a target, they may not break, the reason is not high quality and not enough fragility. They are suitable for a small tournament or a simple entertaining game.

The amateur class is distinguished by its ideal shape and fragility. They have a smoother flight path. Easily ripped apart on contact with a target. The paint has a brighter shade, making it easier to spot the hit. Also, some models of amateur-class balls have a thick paint, which cannot be simply rubbed over and hide the defeat.

The ammunition used in competition is in the tournament class. They have a high cost, for this reason they are not used in ordinary entertainment events. In their production, they follow the technology exactly. Thanks to this, they have an ideal shape. And the paint that fills the capsule has a thick consistency, which will not allow it to be easily wiped off from clothes.

For playing in the cold season, balls of the winter class are used.The paint of such capsules has special additives that will prevent the paint from freezing. They are suitable for playing in temperatures down to -15 degrees. Such ammunition can be played in the warm season.

A special class Reball has been created for reusable use. In terms of weight and appearance, they do not differ from ordinary balls. But they are made from rubber, and have a cost 5 times that of regular balls. Sold in boxes. This option is suitable for players who do frequent training before the competition.

The best paintball balls

Alpha Sniper Balls

Alpha Sniper belongs to the rental-tournament class. They are designed to be played in spring or autumn. Suitable for temperatures from 0 to +15 degrees. A distinctive feature from the summer version is the more elastic surface of the capsule, which cannot be split due to hypothermia in the marker barrel.

The product is available in three colors. It comes in blue, pink and green. The paint in the capsule can be blue or yellow. The brightness of the paint makes it easy to be seen on ammunition of any color. After playing, it can be easily washed off with warm water, because it is made from food coloring.

The ammunition is 68 caliber. Manufactured using precision technology, medical equipment. They have optimal characteristics. Subject to all the rules of transportation and storage, the manufacturer guarantees stable operation in the game process.

The package contains 2000 pieces. The average price is 1600 rubles.

  • Bright paint;
  • Does not split inside the barrel;
  • The product passes quality control.
  • Not.


BomBas are rental class game cartridges. They have bright striped colors. One of the stripe colors is always white, the other can be orange, purple or hot pink. The paint colors in capsules have two options - yellow and pink. If you hit the enemy, a bright trail will remain, which will be easily washed off with water.

These ammunition is precisely calibrated, making it suitable for mechanical and electronic markers. When fired, they exhibit high flight accuracy and optimal ballistic characteristics. They are often used in paintball clubs and competitions.

BomBas are 68 gauge, suitable for summer games. The package contains 2000 pieces.

The average cost is 1800 rubles.

  • Flight accuracy;
  • Used in clubs and competitions;
  • Precise calibration.
  • Used only during the summer season.

Pro-Shar EXACT

Pro-Shar EXACT is suitable for use in summer, late spring or early autumn. During tests in the laboratory and in the field, he received high marks of quality from the expert committee. It has a bright capsule and thick paint that is not easy to wipe off during the game. But it can be easily washed off with water during washing.

The precise spherical shape allows the use of such ammunition in rental and sports equipment. Pro-Shar EXACT has a high flight accuracy and medium fragility, which allows not to create ammunition burst in the barrel.

Pro-Shar EXACT has a 68 caliber and belongs to the rental class. The package contains 2000 pieces.

The average cost is 1,500 rubles.

  • Affordable price;
  • Thick paint;
  • Suitable for all markers.
  • No information on capsule and fill color.


This representative of paintball ammunition belongs to the tournament class. The casing is purple, the seam is slightly visible, but overall they are smooth and even. Zoomba has a rather dense shell surface, and at first glance it might seem that this will affect their fragility when in contact with the enemy after a shot. The filler color is yellow. It is bright and will be easily visible on the enemy's clothing. Such a spot is easy to spot even at a great distance.

Zoomba is suitable for use in electronic markers that have soft tuning.Ideal shape, long range, elastic deformation and guaranteed splitting when hitting the target, these cartridges are suitable for competitions and various tournaments.

The Zoomba has a 68 caliber. The box contains 4 bags of 500 rounds, a total of 2000 pieces. Suitable for playing in summer

The average cost is 2,000 rubles.

  • Guaranteed split;
  • Bright paint visible at a distance;
  • The total is divided into 4 packages;
  • Good accuracy when shooting.
  • Not year-round use.

Pro-Shar Skirmish

Skirmish belongs to the rental class balls. They are used both in gaming clubs and in a story game. They are intended for use during the warmer months. It is not recommended to use at temperatures below 0 degrees. Ideally, in order for the ammunition to optimally show its characteristics, it is better to use them in a temperature range from 0 to +5 degrees. In winter, it can be used in closed areas.

They are perfectly spherical. Bicolor bright color of the shell. Half of the ball is yellow and the other half is orange. The filler is bright yellow. This model contains more paint, in contrast to the previous models of this manufacturer, and the shade has become more saturated. In use in games and tournaments, it is not satisfactory.

These cartridges are 68 caliber. The package contains 2000 pieces. The individual packages are separated by a cardboard partition to ensure safety during transportation.

The average cost is 1,700 rubles.

  • More paint volume;
  • Suitable for entertainment and tournaments;
  • Optimal flight path.
  • Optimal in a small temperature range.

Pro-shar red menace

Red Menace has been specially created for professional paintball players. They belong to the tournament category. According to its characteristics, this model can please even the most demanding and capricious players.

They have a two-tone shell, combining metallic pink with gold colors. The seam on them is not noticeable and does not affect the ballistic performance. Also, the shell has a special composition, which ensures that the split will be only upon contact with the target, and not during flight. They also have a very bright and thick yellow filler. It is not easy to wipe it on the suit, but it can be easily washed off.

Also Red Menace is distinguished by its ideal shape, flight range, and high fragility. When using this model of ammunition, players can note the accuracy of the shots. Suitable for use on special professional equipment.

The Red Menace has a 68 caliber. The package consists of 2000 balls. Suitable for playing at any time of the year.

The average price is 2100 rubles.

  • Low price for premium balls;
  • High accuracy;
  • Perfect shape;
  • There is no split during flight.
  • Not.

Pro-Shar Tournament

The Tournament model belongs to the tournament class. When developing it, the manufacturer sought the optimal size, shape and weight of each product. Much attention was also paid to the flight range and target destruction. With such ammunition, it is easier to hit even a moving target.

The capsule has a bright green color with a metallic sheen. The paint in the capsule is yellow. Such cartridges have a high level of fragility, and their fillings are highly bright and cannot be wiped off. Such balls will show themselves perfectly even in the fastest and most impetuous game. With several shots in a row, the flight of charges will be grouped as much as possible.

Tournament has a 68 caliber. The box contains 2000 rounds. Suitable for playing in warm seasons. At temperatures below +10 degrees, it is recommended to play indoors.

The average cost is 2100 rubles.

  • High accuracy;
  • Very bright paint;
  • High fragility;
  • It is often used in competitions in Russia and Europe.
  • Not suitable for playing in winter.


These balls can be attributed to a new stage of production.They do not have a gelatinous shell, but are made of wax. And the liquid filler was replaced with a special white powder. In appearance, they resemble golf balls, only they differ in bright colors in various shades.

The capsule shell instantly cracks when it comes into contact with the opponent's equipment, this indicates the high fragility of the product. But it is worth noting that temperature drops or humidity do not affect the state of the shell. This allows the use of these ammunition at any time of the year and in any weather.

During transportation, the formation of bedsores, dents and cracks is excluded. It is easier and more convenient to transport such balloons, unlike ordinary ones. Also, after opening the package, you should not worry about the shelf life. PBalls has no shelf life restrictions.

The PBalls are in 68 caliber. The package contains 2000 pieces. The materials used to make PBalls are harmless to humans and the environment.

The average cost is 5,000 rubles.

  • You can play all year round;
  • Unlimited shelf life;
  • Convenient transportation.
  • High price.

Reball box strong

This version of the shells is made of rubber. They are designed for indoor training. You can shoot them endlessly. Before use, I do not require additional lubrication, and after using the game you just need to rinse them with water to remove dust and dirt from the surface. They are also suitable for regular paintball games.

These cartridges weigh a little less than regular paint capsules, but this does not affect the range and accuracy of flight. Using such projectiles, you can work out the accuracy of shots both in motion and aimed shooting.

After playing with such ammunition, you do not need to spend time cleaning shelters or equipment. Since there is no paint in them, the flooring will not slip after numerous shots.

Reball Box Strong are 68 gauge, suitable for year round use. The box contains 500 ammunition.

The average cost is 7,000 rubles.

  • Multiple use;
  • No need to clean paint;
  • Suitable for improving shooting skills.
  • A small number of balls in a package;
  • High price.

Tiberus First Strike Box

This type of projectile is intended for snipers. They can overtake the enemy at a distance of 70 meters. The hitting accuracy is 2 times higher than that of conventional shells.

They differ from ordinary balls in a peculiar shape. The front part represents a hemisphere where the coloring filler is located. And the back is made in the form of a cylinder with ribs. Due to this specific shape, a high speed and range of flight is observed. There is less dye in such shells than in conventional shells. But in consistency, it is much thicker. At a distance, such a hit may not be noticeable, but it will be impossible to erase it.

The casing is made not of gelatin, but of polystyrene, which decomposes under the influence of sunlight and does not harm nature.

These cartridges are 68 caliber. Suitable for demi-season use. The package contains 100 pieces.

The average cost is 2,000 rubles.

  • High flight range;
  • Good taunt;
  • High hitting accuracy.
  • Can only be used in specially adapted markers;
  • High price.

It is difficult for a beginner player to make a choice of a specific model of shells. There is no need to start with the most budgetary options, such models may not bring pleasure from the gameplay, but only spoil the marker with a premature split. Many tournament and amateur balls are in the same price range. You can start getting to know them. And if you are seriously into paintball, want to improve your skills and take prizes in tournaments, then pay attention to rubber ammunition. At first glance, they are more expensive, but they will justify themselves with reusable use.


