Rating of the best Russian cheeses for 2020

Rating of the best Russian cheeses for 2020

Modern society can no longer imagine its existence without morning aromatic coffee or tea with a piece of delicate, pleasant, favorite cheese. Probably, there are no people who would not love him. After all, the variety of types of cheese is so great that each person can find the best, in his opinion, and the most delicious from the whole quantity.

New product emergence

The first cheese, according to ancestral legends, was actually obtained by accident. Bedouins who made long walks through the desert areas took skins of milk with them on the road. On the way, under the scorching rays of the sun and with constant rolling, it curled up and acquired a density. As a result, they had to eat a very tasty, unusual, rather dense dairy product. This is how the widespread distribution of a new "invention", which was given the name cheese.

Graduation of cheeses

Of course, the structure of such products is diverse, as well as the manufacturing technology, composition of related products, ingredients. But conventionally, all categories can be divided into three types:

  • by consistency;
  • on the manufacturing process;
  • by ripening time.

According to the first point, the types are divided into hard ones, which cannot be cut with a knife, but only possible to grate, semi-hard and soft.

Depending on the structure, the manufacturing process, the presence of certain auxiliary products or additives, respectively, differs.

Soft species go through a rather short cooking process, immediately after which they are sold. Semi-hard, hard varieties go through a longer technological process of manufacturing, they require aging, aging for a long time.

Useful properties of cheeses

Varieties of various structures contain a certain amount of nutrients. So, products of a solid consistency include calcium, which is necessary for people suffering from ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The representatives of the following softness, containing numerous vitamins: A, C, D, E, PP, group B, fats, amino acids and partially phosphorus, will perfectly support vision, skin condition, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, help with insomnia, stress, fatigue, will provide strengthening support for the immune system, cardiovascular system, normalize water and electrolyte levels. And mold species are effective antifungal, anti-inflammatory foods.

But at the heart of all three types is protein, which is an integral building material for the growth of the body, its recovery. Cheese is especially good for children. 0.5 kg of cheese contains protein, the content of which is equal to that of 5 liters of natural milk. All the nutrients that make up cheeses are almost 100% assimilated by the human body.

Semi-hard types of cheese

Semi-hard varieties, as well as solid ones, differ from their counterparts in a dense, homogeneous structure. They have a more pronounced taste, pungent aroma. Since the amount of moisture contained in the cheese is directly proportional to the ripening period, the harder the product, the longer its production period.

In order not to get into a mess, but to choose a high-quality, properly prepared copy in retail chains, experts recommend paying attention to some points. If the head of the product has already been cut, the cut should be carefully examined. The color of the entire surface should be uniform, ranging from ivory to pale yellow or baked milk. The presence of liquid droplets of any size on the cut indicates poor-quality production of products, non-compliance with the full technological process.

According to connoisseurs of cheese flavor, hard varieties are best served after the main meal, before or instead of dessert. They go well with slightly chilled medium-bodied red wines; white wines should be avoided.

Also, experts recommend cutting the cheeses correctly so that they maximize their taste. The amount of crust on each cut should be the same. Most varieties taste better when the pieces are cubed.

List of the most popular semi-hard cheese varieties in 2020

These types of varieties are completely ready to eat. They have a dense, resilient structure and do not need rework. Each of them goes well with many products, has a wide range of applications in various dishes.


The main Russian producers of this type are Zvenigovsky Meat Processing Plant LLC and the Stolitsa Milk company.

It has been made according to the same recipe for over a century. Whole cow's milk is used as raw material; it is prepared without foreign synthetic impurities and dyes. Dutch cheese has a semi-hard, dense structure with a sharp taste accompanied by a slight sourness. The storage period is quite long, but at a certain temperature.

It proved to be especially excellent in combination with fruit, white table or semi-sweet wine.

cheese Dutch Capital of milk
  • excellent high-calorie product;
  • contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients;
  • has a beneficial effect on the human body.
  • not found.


Particular preference is given by Russian consumers to the variety produced at the Kiprinsky Dairy Plant.

Soviet cheese has a dense, elastic structure, spicy, sweetish taste, which makes a wonderful composition with red, not strong wine. The raw material for its preparation is whole cow's milk. The technological process based on the recipe of Swiss cheese making does not involve the use of artificial additives and stabilizers.

Soviet Cyprino cheese
  • great taste;
  • versatility of use;
  • usefulness for the body.
  • not found.


This species is named after the eponymous ancient city of the Yaroslavl region, where it is made according to a very strict method. Manufacturer - Kabosh.

Whole cow's milk is used as a basis. With the help of natural microorganisms, the raw material is transformed into an excellent product, ready for use in 2 months. Uglich cheese has a semi-hard consistency with small angular holes.According to many consumers, they are attracted by the sharp, spicy taste of the product with a pronounced creamy aroma. It contains a large amount of protein that is fully absorbed by the human body. A high-calorie product is able to give vitality to the internal organs.

Uglich cheese
  • usefulness of the product;
  • calorie value;
  • strict technology;
  • natural composition.
  • not defined.


The most common for production in Russia is this variety. The technological processes of each brand differ from each other, therefore, unfortunately, there is no consensus that this product is the best in the modern domestic market. Still, most consumers mark him as one of the best.

This type is made on the basis of pasteurized cow's milk by adding lactic acid bacteria and rennet. As a result of ripening, a product is obtained with a beautiful pale yellow color, a dense semi-solid structure, a pleasant taste with a slight sourness and a large number of small holes. A number of manufacturers allow the addition of some additives, such as beta-carotene, sodium nitrate, calcium chloride and lysozyme. But along with this, a large amount of protein and nutrients still remains in the cheese.

Russian cheese
  • pretty high quality product;
  • good enough for the body;
  • reasonable price for most consumers.
  • not detected.

Soft varieties

Cheeses of this category differ from their congeners with a denser structure, their softness, and a shorter cooking process. The amount of moisture in them ranges from 50 to 65%. The main ingredient for their production is whole milk, cream, lactic acid bacteria and enzymes are added to help thicken the raw material. This look is not difficult to do at home. As a result, these cheeses have a distinct creamy flavor. With this cooking technology, a greater number of useful properties are retained, since the mass is not subjected to the process of additional heating and pressing.

When choosing soft varieties on trading floors, you should pay attention to their composition, which should not contain any dyes and additives. Plastic packaging is also unacceptable to them.

Good quality soft cheese has a shelf life of only a few days. Any kind should be kept in the refrigerator, in plastic or glass containers at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C. Storage in iron containers is not recommended in order to avoid product oxidation. Soft varieties, such as feta cheese, mozzarella, require constant availability of their initial pickle.

Rating of the best soft cheeses for 2020

Varieties of soft consistency are used with great success in various dishes and as independent products.


The large agricultural complex "Lefkadia" is considered the best supplier of this soft variety.

Its production is based on the famous French recipe and is constantly monitored by specialists. Camembert has a soft, delicate structure with a distinct creamy taste and a creamy flesh. A distinctive feature is a characteristic mushroom smell with a slight hint of nutty and the presence of a thin whitish moldy crust.

Camembert does not have a final maturation period, so it matures constantly. Younger cheese has a rather dense structure, delicate aroma. But connoisseurs of this variety prefer to use products with a maturity period of at least 1.5 months. Then camembert acquires a viscous, deep, rich smell. This kind of soft look goes well with fruits, nuts, fresh crispy bread. It is used both fresh and baked. This type goes well with young light red wine.

Camembert Lefkadia cheese
  • universality of application;
  • ripens throughout the entire shelf life;
  • contains a large amount of nutrients;
  • benefits the body.
  • not identified.

Bren d'amour

The representative of this type of cheese is the Volzhskiye Syry firm.

Its preparation technology is also based on a French recipe. But, unlike the climatic conditions of France, the products manufactured in the vastness of Russia did not become its 100 percent analogue. Domestic cheeses are endowed with a bright, rich, sharp, distinctly salty flavor. Bren d'amour goes well in salad with other pickled vegetables with a pronounced taste sensation. It can be used as a flavoring condiment for pasta, pie or vegetable soup. Alone or with the aforementioned vegetable salad, it goes well with dark beer.

The name borrowed from the French, which means "a piece of love" in translation, speaks for itself. Made from whole sheep milk, Bren d'amour has a finely fragrant ivory-colored flesh with a spicy, pleasant, slightly sour taste. It has a distinct aroma of sheep's milk and herbs. The peculiarity of the preparation of this cheese is to roll its heads in a mixture of coriander, rosemary, pepper with the addition of crushed juniper berries, which gives it a truly unique bright herbal flavor and aroma.

Its most beneficial combination with fruit, Provencal or Corsican rose wines. It showed itself well in use with sweet peppers, tomatoes, pickled olives.

Bren d'amour cheese
  • improves memory thanks to the presence of rosemary;
  • enriches the body with a large amount of vitamins;
  • helps to maintain the human musculoskeletal system.
  • not detected.


The technological process for preparing this type of cheese is based on the recipe of Cypriot specialists. Its structure is dense, reminiscent of chewing gum, slightly creates a squeaky effect on the teeth. Some varieties of this variety are flavored with scented mint. The basis of cheese products is whole cow's milk. No preservatives, artificial additives or stabilizers are allowed in the technological process. Thanks to the heating of raw materials according to the old method, the product does not lose its layered shape, revealing even more creamy flavor. To improve the taste, according to experts, Halloumi should be fried on a grill or frying pan until golden brown. This cheese has shown itself well in salads, soups, and can be used with vegetables. According to Cypriots, it works great with watermelons in the hot summer season.

Halloumi cheese
  • supports the human immune system;
  • saturates the body with vitamins, protein and other useful elements;
  • has a refreshing effect.
  • not found.

Mozzarella "Umalat"

The representative of this brand deservedly takes one of the leading steps in the list of the best. This cheese is the winner of more than one tasting festival. The mozzarella mass is rolled into elastic, dense balls, which, when cut, immediately begin to release their brine. Due to the manufacturing process, Mozzarella contains the initial amount of all nutrients, vitamins, calcium and protein, so necessary for the human body, especially for children. Not having a high fat content, and not very salty in taste, cheese has received widespread use in various dishes, desserts, pies, casseroles.

Mozzarella cheese "Umalat"
  • serves as an excellent source of calcium;
  • indispensable for baby food;
  • universality of application;
  • low-calorie product.
  • not identified.

Marsenthal goat

The producer of this type of cheese is the cheese factory of the village of Sernur, located in the Republic of Mari El.

The raw materials used for this product are whole skimmed goat milk, to which lactic acid bacteria and table salt are added. Its ripening process takes a whole year.During this time, the cheese heads are examined, turned over and washed. The result is a wonderful aged product with a gray-creamy dense, but at the same time crumbly pulp. Marsenthal has a distinct creamy taste and a pleasant long aftertaste. This variety can quite adequately replace Parmesan in the preparation of many dishes. Marsenthal goat goes well with nuts, fruits, medium-strength red wine and bitter beer.

goat's Marsenthal cheese
  • excellent taste sensations;
  • natural composition;
  • usefulness for the body.
  • not identified.


This cheese is also popular among a certain category of the population. They are attracted by a delicate, soft structure with small holes or no holes at all and a pronounced sour milk taste with sourness. The production time for such a product is only 2-3 days, after which the Amateur goes on sale. In view of the raw materials used, this cheese has a low calorie content, which allows people who watch their weight to use it.

cheese amateur green meadow
  • decent quality;
  • usefulness for weight loss.
  • not always available on marketplaces.


The most popular producer of this category of cheeses is the Black Sea Dairy. Its products have a very delicate structure, bright creamy aroma, and a small amount of salt in the taste. Adyghe is great for use in salads, with wholemeal bread, tomatoes and basil. Natural raw materials in the form of cow or goat milk provide it with a large number of beneficial nutrients and vitamins.

cheese Adyghe Black Sea Dairy
  • pleasant taste sensations;
  • support of the body's immune system;
  • the ability to use with diets.
  • not identified.

Blue cheeses

The most refined cheese products in foreign markets are mold cheeses. Of course, the domestic consumer does not like such a delicacy everywhere, but nevertheless, there is a category of fans of this type of cheese.

Do not be afraid of poisoning yourself with such fermented milk products, because there is mold that is safe for human health. It develops on cheeses made only from natural, whole raw materials. If the feed of animals giving milk contains at least some antibiotics or other additives, then a product with natural mold will not work out of it.

Its location can be either on the surface of the cheese head, or inside its pulp. To obtain it by the first method, the formed product is periodically turned over, dried during the ripening period. And in the second case, it is injected with a syringe needle into the cheese mass, where it matures along with the product for 2 to 6 weeks. Accordingly, the names of the cheeses will be classified as white (with mold on the surface) and blue (with veins inside).

List of popular varieties of blue cheese in 2020

These types of cheeses are considered elite, and it is not always possible to purchase it for everyone in the desired volume, but you can still taste a small amount of them.

Russian Roquefort

The most successful reproduction of French blue cheese is considered to be the products of the Maria Koval cheese dairy.

It has a pronounced sweetish aftertaste, a slightly crumbling structure, rich yellow color and dark blue or black veins. This product goes very well with fruits, grainy bread, sweet port or dense red wine.

Russian Roquefo cheese
  • excellent taste;
  • usefulness for the gastrointestinal tract.
  • quite high cost.

Foggy morning

The products of the Family Cheese Factory, owned by Lyubov Gorbacheva, are located in the village. Zamytsky of the Smolensk region.

The quality of milk as raw material, and subsequently of the cheese produced, is at the highest level.Natural whole milk, fermented for 21 days, turns into a wonderful young cheese with a delicate structure, smearing subcrustal layer, excellent creamy taste, covered with white noble mold. You can store it in the refrigerator for one month, during which the product also continues to ripen, changing its taste and aroma accordingly. This cheese goes well with fruit, light wine.

cheese foggy morning
  • excellent taste;
  • high quality;
  • variety of applications.
  • High price;
  • Possibility to purchase only through online stores.

Camembert Fromage de Louis

The production of this product is located in the Voronezh region and is based on well-known French technology. The cheese made from whole pasteurized cow's milk has a fluid, soft structure with a spicy mushroom, creamy taste, which becomes even more intense and bright during the heating and melting process. In the process of ripening in special molds, Camembert Fromage de Louis is periodically turned over and dried so that several layers of white noble mold form on its surface.

You can use this product both fresh and baked. In Russian dishes, Camembert Fromage de Louis goes well with pumpkin, millet porridge, baked apples. Among drinks, champagne, white sparkling wines or cider are preferred. It is recommended to avoid the composition of Camembert with red wines.

Camembert cheese Fromage de Louis
  • wonderful spicy taste;
  • variety of applications;
  • benefit to the human body.
  • high cost.


A representative of this species recently appeared on the consumer goods market, but very quickly gained popularity among lovers of blue cheese. The product is made on the basis of German technology, has ivory-colored flesh with fine thin blue veins of mold. Dorblu looks like marble in appearance. Its taste is delicate, slightly salty, multifaceted, consists of a creamy, mushroom, herbal bouquet. A pleasant aftertaste will not leave anyone indifferent.

Such cheese is used, both as a sole product, and in composition with other components. An excellent combination of dorblue with white meat. Of sweets, it is preferable with pear or flower honey. The dessert, consisting of ice cream, this type of cheese and sherry filling, has an excellent taste. Madeira, sauternes or porto are well-suited to this product.

Dorblu cheese
  • amazing taste, aroma;
  • variety of applications;
  • maintains the energy balance of the body.
  • not always available in retail.

Crottin d'Obonn

This type of cheese is produced in the Kaluga region according to one of the traditional recipes in France. The basis for its preparation is pasteurized cow's milk. The product is formed by small heads and packaged in 2 pieces. Aged cheese with a rough surface covered with white noble mold, has a loose soft structure of the color of butter. The taste of Crottin d'Obonn is salty-sweet, dominated by caramel-nutty notes with a slight taste of rustic sour cream. The long, delicate mushroom aftertaste leaves a pleasant sensation.

The crumbling pulp of this cheese allows it to be used in various hot and cold dishes. And the spicy, extraordinary taste of Crottin d'Obonn is perfectly combined with the rich tastes of dark chocolate, roasted nuts, raisins and dates.

Drinks with this product will make an unusually elegant bouquet of white wine Sauvignon from the Loire Valley or Albariño and red wine with a rich fruity shade.

Crottin d'Obonn cheese
  • convenient packing;
  • excellent taste and aroma;
  • the possibility of various applications;
  • the benefits of vitamin support for internal organs.
  • the price is a little high.


Producers of the Krasnodar Territory presented this type of blue cheese to the consumer market.Its creamy, crumbly structure is dotted with a web of emerald veins. The rich nutty flavor near the crust gradually thinns towards the center of the flesh. The combination of light sourness, salty and delicate sweetness at the same time make up a truly extraordinary flavor.

This product can be one of the components of a set of different types of cheese for dessert serving.

Seedless grapes, pears, figs or honey will be a wonderful addition to cheese.

A chic duet Picante will make together with good Italian wine.

Picante cheese
  • great quality;
  • wonderful taste;
  • naturalness of the composition.
  • not identified.

The variety of domestic cheeses is huge both in quality, taste, and in price category. From the average consumer to the most demanding gourmets of this product, no one will be left out of the temptation to taste the unusually tasty and aromatic cheeses from all over Russia. Therefore, every resident of the country can afford to have a nutritious and healthy product in the diet that is necessary to maintain the body in a healthy form. And little children with pleasure, as well as with great benefit for themselves, will be the company of adults. Enjoy delicious and nutritious Russian cheeses and be healthy!


