
  1. How to choose a cat breed
  2. TOP of the best cat breeds for 2020

Rating of the best cat breeds for 2020

Rating of the best cat breeds for 2020

The cat is considered one of the most popular pets for a number of reasons: it saves the house from rats and mice, has a playful friendly disposition, calms the nervous system with a melodic purr. Some representatives of the feline family are a real decoration and pride of the owners due to their unusually beautiful color, elegant appearance, and breed characteristics. Based on world statistics, it has been revealed that about 13 million cats live in Russia, this is the third place in the world. The best breeders offer 40 to 90 types of purebred pets. We offer a ranking of the nicest cat breeds for 2020.

How to choose a cat breed

When choosing a kitten for the home, it is advisable to proceed from the characteristics and interests of the family, the presence of other pets, small children, allergy sufferers. A country or country house requires a rat catcher. In an animal for an apartment, first of all, communicative qualities, the ability to get along with a person, and a calm disposition are important.

Criterias of choice

The main criteria for choosing a cat breed:

  • owner's lifestyle;
  • the complexity of care and maintenance;
  • character;
  • unusualness.

Master's lifestyle. Busy working people, single pensioners, families with children should choose different thoroughbred pets, based on their usual way of life, time for a tailed pet.

  • Independent cats that tolerate loneliness well in the absence of the owner - British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Maine Coon. They do not require unnecessary attention, they do not bother you if you are not in the mood, they will find something to do themselves or will sleep peacefully on their favorite couch.
  • If you want to buy a pet for a child, then it is appropriate to focus on kind, patient breeds capable of condescendingly tolerating children's pranks, to be included in joint games. Most often, playful lovers of pranks with an agreeable character are chosen for children: Norwegian forest, Siamese, Bengali.
  • A lonely person lacks communication, such people choose cats, affectionate, loyal, affectionate and sociable. It will be pleasant to while away long evenings with them, to talk about everything, to sit in an embrace on a soft sofa. Affectionate talkative breeds: Thai, Bengal, Cornish Rex.
  • For a private house, it is better to choose a cat with good hunting instinct for rodent control. The American Shorthair, Siberian, Scottish Fold will exterminate mice and rats perfectly.
  • If the family already has pets, cats or dogs, then in partners American bobtail, Thai, Himalayan are ideal.They are friends with dogs, willingly play with other cats, sleep together, licking each other.

The complexity of care and maintenance. Depending on the characteristics, each cat breed requires more or less attention and time for grooming, simple or difficult to keep.

  • The easiest to care for are unpretentious in food, without thinking through the daily menu and short-haired pets that do not require combing, daily cleaning in the apartment when molting.
  • If you have the time and desire to take good care of your tailed pet, then long-haired breeds, which often shed and require constant care of their fur, are ideal, as well as hairless, whose representatives need to create a special temperature regime, constantly freeze or sweat, therefore, they have to wash frequently.
  • Difficult in content can also include the Persian with a specific flat muzzle, due to the structure of which diseases are often possible, the Scottish Fold with special care for ears of unusual shape, all varieties of sphinxes are bald cats, which must be carefully warmed, avoiding heat shock from overheating.

Character... Each breed of cats leaves an imprint on the character of the animal, its temperament and disposition.

  • Allocate talkative and sociable, which are suitable for those who are used to conducting philosophical conversations and do not tolerate the oppressive silence in the house: Canadian Sphinx, Siamese, Thai.
  • The list silent representatives of felines, for whom meowing is the exception rather than the rule, include the Cornish Rex, Siberian, American Shorthair. They are turned on by people who value calmness, who are annoyed by unnecessary sounds.
  • Active active tailed, constantly in motion and exploring space, the owner will have to constantly come up with new activities, although they often find them themselves, exploring the contents of the drawers of cabinets, shelves and shelves. Bright representatives of restless cats: Bengal, Abyssinian.
  • List the laziest headed by the British, Persian, Siberian. It is important for them to eat and sleep with pleasure from the heart. Sometimes the owners may even forget about their presence in the house, as cats spend so much time in the kingdom of Morpheus.
  • Loving people will be delighted with the most affectionate cats that constantly follow their owner in anticipation of hugs and other affections: sphinxes, ragdolls, burmese. They should be started only if you are ready to give your pet enough attention and affection.
  • Intelligent breeds, easy to train, understand human speech, can learn simple commands. Smart cats - Siamese, Oriental, American Bobtail.

Unusual. If the main thing for you in a cat is an unusual appearance, and for this you are ready to overpay, since the average price is quite high, then it is advisable to study the list of the most exotic breeds that are in catteries:

  • American Curl - amusing ears-curls are striking;
  • Devon Rex - has an alien appearance and huge ears;
  • Cornish Rex - touches short curly fur, wedge-shaped head, thin limbs;
  • munchkin - characterized by a cute face of a plush toy, thick short legs;
  • laperm is an unusually soft coat with large curls.

What a breeder should provide when selling a purebred kitten

To avoid mistakes when choosing a thoroughbred pet, be sure to require the seller to provide the following important points:

  1. Complete reliable information about the pet. If the seller hides information, refuses to answer or does not know the answers to the questions asked, then this is an incompetent breeder or reseller who may turn out to be a fraud.
  2. Full inspection of the animal. Attention should be paid to the condition of the kitten's claws, teeth, ears, fur, eyes, the degree of mobility and fatness.If the animal is too lethargic, shy, does not respond to external stimuli, or there are problems with the above-mentioned parts of the body, this may be a signal of a painful condition and possible death of the animal later. You should take an inquisitive, self-confident, playful kitten with excellent physical characteristics.
  3. Documents - veterinary passport and metric (pedigree). It is pertinent to contact the club where the parents and the litter are registered to verify the authenticity of the documents. They should indicate the timing of vaccination, quarantine of the kitten, information about the mobility, temperament of the animal, exterior defects, rules of keeping, prevention of diseases, skills of the kitten, and the peculiarities of preparation for exhibitions.

Some felinological clubs issue a certificate that the baby does not have hereditary genetic diseases that may be characteristic of the breed.

Recommendations when choosing

If you want to acquire a healthy pedigree pet, it is advisable to follow a few tips from experienced cat lovers:

  1. When choosing a suitable breed, it is necessary to study living stories and reviews on cat fanciers' forums, and not be guided solely by the sites of breeders. The more information you collect about the breed, the more you will be sure of the correct choice.
  2. Carefully read the information provided by the seller and the kitten's documents. Ask all your questions, contact the club with a request about parents and litter. If there are doubts about the purity of the breed, it is better to refuse to purchase.
  3. The metric should contain a description of important information: pedigree number, date of birth, mark about the parents, coordinates of the breeder, breed, gender, nickname. In the pet's veterinary passport, information on vaccinations against viral infectious diseases, rabies, dermatomycosis, preventive measures and examinations is required.
  4. When choosing a kitten, it is not enough to look only at the photo, it is appropriate to see it in person, ideally to see the parents as well. The best option where to buy a thoroughbred animal is an exhibition where kittens are shown comprehensively.
  5. It should be borne in mind that pedigree kittens cannot be cheap in price. How much an animal costs depends on the class: pet (for home keeping), breed (for breeding), show (for exhibition activities). The most inexpensive pets for the home at a budget price are offered from the culling of higher classes, with minor exterior defects.

TOP of the best cat breeds for 2020

The popularity of the breed is determined by the distinctive features of its representatives. Some breeds are ideal for children, they are great friends with dogs and other pets, others are calm and lazy, and others are suitable for allergy sufferers. We offer an overview of the most popular cat breeds, which one is better to buy, what to look for in the opinion of buyers.

The quietest

Scottish lop-eared

A representative of this breed, aristocratic and independent in character, must have its own place, which no one should touch. The animal does not like excessive familiarity, it does not always allow itself to be stroked and not to everyone. Usually he chooses one family member, whom he perceives as a master, the rest simply endures. She gets along with children, but doesn't like being squeezed. He will be happy to rush through the rooms with a child or another cat, knocking down everything in its path. After active games he has a long rest. Can't stand closed doors, tries to open it with his paws, but does not lose his temper. She is very smart, reacts to changes in the owner's mood, is not capricious, unpretentious in food and care. Has a good hunting instinct, great for catching mice. For a Scottish Fold kitten, you will have to pay from 15 to 90 thousand rubles.

  • calm balanced disposition;
  • playful, agile;
  • unpretentious;
  • gets along with children and other animals;
  • excellent mice.
  • not very affectionate.


Even in the expression of the muzzle, the main feature of the breed is readable - phlegm. A sedate, balanced animal, unable to lose his temper even with overly playful children or obsessive adults. She gladly accepts the caress of the owner, loves to be looked at and hugged. With the rest he behaves somewhat arrogantly. She loves children, endures gripping and squeezing in her hands. The only clear manifestation of discontent is arrogance and indifference. He tolerates water procedures with pleasure. Long hair requires constant care, otherwise it quickly becomes tangled, which will have to be cut, damaging the pet's psyche and appearance. To care for a chic, up to 15 cm long wool, you need a whole arsenal: special shampoos, conditioners, powders, brushes. The price for a kitten ranges from 10,000 (for home) to 100,000 rubles (for exhibitions). Breeders sell a pet without documents for a nominal fee from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles.

  • patience, phlegm;
  • love for the owner;
  • not aggressive;
  • affectionate.
  • long coat requiring maintenance.

British Shorthair

Representatives of this breed have similarities with cute plush toys, which makes them the favorites of children and adults. In addition, this is the only cat breed in the world that knows how to smile. This is due to the chubby cheeks and the elongated tongue, which creates the effect of a smile on the cat's face. These are true Englishmen - silent and reserved. A gentle, kind disposition makes it easy to get along with a person, make friends with dogs, other cats. "The British" are smart, aristocratic, independent, they can be left alone for several days: they will calmly endure it in the presence of food, they will always find something to do. They are considered centenarians among felines - life expectancy is on average 20 years, possibly due to proper sleep and rest. These cats sleep 14-16 hours a day. Animals are not aggressive, they will never rush with claws and hiss at a person, but they are not too affectionate either. The best attitude of the owner is attentive, polite, without familiarity or rudeness.

  • unpretentious in care;
  • not aggressive;
  • charming appearance;
  • independent.
  • not too affectionate.


For experienced breeders, this breed is the personification of intelligence and self-esteem. Not too mobile and active, unobtrusive and balanced, this cat will become a wonderful partner for the owner. The animal is distinguished by natural sociability and curiosity, it is happy to meet new people who have come to the house, it is not at all cowardly. He is excellent friends with dogs, is not afraid of them, does not attack, does not show signs of aggression. When playing with children, she never releases her claws: if she doesn't like something, she just steps aside. He does not like high surfaces, which are best avoided (cabinets, shelves), prefers low couches, sofas, armchairs, since he does not know how to land at all. The downside is the thick long fur, which takes a lot of time and patience to care for. A kitten costs from 10 to 65 thousand rubles.

  • calm, intelligent;
  • unobtrusive;
  • sociable, curious;
  • not cowardly;
  • gets along with dogs;
  • does not release claws in games.
  • does not know how to land;
  • needs careful grooming.

American shorthair

It is distinguished by an independent character, almost never allowed to be picked up, stroked. They are sociable with people, but they easily experience loneliness if the owner is absent for a long time. Smart, active, playful. It's good if the pet has its own toys. He easily remembers their location, if he wants to play, he approaches this place and waits. The hunting instinct is well developed, so it easily catches mice and rats. They are wary of small children who squeeze them, carry them in their arms. A kitten costs from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles.

  • catches mice well;
  • smart, sociable;
  • independent;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • easy care.
  • not too affectionate.

Most hypoallergenic

Oriental shorthair

Gullible, playful animal with short, smooth hair, adoring the owner, perfectly understands his mood, always enjoys games and caresses. He likes to be in the spotlight, moves vigorously all day, plays, calming down only in the evening with the obligatory hugs and conversations. It is recognized as hypoallergenic, because no allergenic protein is produced in saliva, and short hair without undercoat almost does not shed. This also explains the minimum care required for this breed. The cost of a kitten is from 10 to 80 thousand rubles.

  • devoted to the owner;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • playful, energetic;
  • minimal care;
  • determines the mood of the owner;
  • very affectionate.
  • too noisy and mobile.


A long-haired breed with thin flowing fur, which allergy sufferers can safely start: its saliva contains a minimum amount of allergenic protein that does not affect humans. Has a fluffy tail, elongated limbs, wedge-shaped elongated muzzle. She is sociable and intelligent by nature: she can easily learn to open boxes with toys, the refrigerator door. She is very attached to a person, misses a master, plays with pleasure, loves to sit on her knees, needs attention, loves to be stroked. An excellent companion for children, always joins outdoor games, pranks. She is talkative, constantly purrs or meows. A kitten costs 10-25 thousand rubles.

  • unpretentious in content;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • smart;
  • mobile, energetic;
  • sociable;
  • friendly to other animals and children.
  • needs constant attention.

Canadian sphinx

A popular breed of exotic hairless cats with an alien appearance without a mustache. Due to the lack of hair, it does not carry allergens around the apartment. Nor are they in the saliva of the animal. The downside is that it requires frequent washing of the pet and thorough cleaning of the ears. It is also important to control that the cat does not overheat or freeze due to the completely bare skin. A human-centered animal requires constant attention, loves to watch everything that happens in the house, often talks with the owner, loves to be fondled and stroked. Get along well with other cats, dogs. The cost of a kitten is 10-50 thousand rubles.

  • the safest for allergy sufferers;
  • sociable;
  • gets along with dogs, cats, children;
  • affectionate;
  • does not require combing;
  • does not leave hair on floors and sofas.
  • requires special care;
  • afraid of cold and heat.

Cornish rex

Due to the lack of undercoat, it never sheds, without causing unpleasant symptoms for allergy sufferers. Curly short coat needs periodic bathing, followed by brushing with a rubber mitten. She is not afraid of water, she swims with pleasure. Loves a person, does not belong to independent breeds, gets along with children, dogs and others like him. With some effort, amenable to training. A kitten costs 5-10 thousand rubles.

  • does not cause allergies;
  • friendly;
  • trainable;
  • affectionate and sociable;
  • unpretentious in food and maintenance.
  • can't stand loneliness.


Despite its long, thick fur, this feline is safe for allergy sufferers, since saliva does not contain an allergenic protein. Non-conflict, calm, friendly to people and animals. Steadfastly endures children's games, up to pulling the tail, not releasing its claws. Affection for the owner does not translate into obsession and constant demand for affection. Does not cause trouble to maintain, does not require special care. Has excellent health, strong immunity, rarely gets sick. It exterminates rodents well. A kitten costs 5,000-30,000 rubles.

  • safe for allergy sufferers;
  • benevolent, unobtrusive;
  • friendly to children;
  • unpretentious in maintenance and care;
  • good health;
  • excellent hunter.
  • when shedding a lot of wool around the apartment.

The most sociable


Sociable, talkative pet.Deep affection for the owner lasts for life. He loves water, can easily crawl under the stream from the tap, into the shower or bath. Another addiction is sitting in the owner's arms. He spends most of his time in outdoor games, surveying the territory, pranks, loves playing together with the owner or children. For a kitten with a pedigree, you will have to pay from 20 to 300 thousand rubles. Without a pedigree, a baby will cost 8-20 thousand rubles.

  • sociable, playful;
  • cheerful docile disposition;
  • affectionate;
  • loves water.
  • requires a lot of attention.


A graceful animal of a strong constitution with a characteristic color that appears by 6-10 months of life: from beige-creamy to dark brown and black. Feels strong attachment to only one person, and may feel dislike and arrogance towards others. She is very smart, amenable to training, but during training, in no case should you shout at her. Loves to play, run, communicate, has a loud and shrill raspy voice. Hates loneliness: if you leave her alone for a long time, returning home, you can find tattered wallpaper and upholstery, torn curtains, overturned chairs and other signs of discontent. The owner may be jealous due to insufficient attention. It gets along poorly with other pets, with the exception of breeds. They are condescending and child-friendly, they like to be involved in games and pranks. They have a hunting instinct, they have good health, they are prone to longevity.

  • good health, longevity;
  • affection for the owner;
  • get along with children;
  • sociable and talkative;
  • no difficulty in leaving.
  • unpredictable character with the manifestation of jealousy and aggressiveness;
  • does not get along with other animals.


Friendly creatures, everywhere follow a person, participate in all activities. They are generously endowed with curiosity, energy, playfulness. Very active pets, they will always find something to their liking, they never sit in one place. If the owner leads a measured lifestyle, the cat can get bored and even sick. Kitten cost: from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

  • active, agile, cheerful;
  • curious, active;
  • friendly to everyone, without exception;
  • unpretentious in content.
  • can fall out of the window.

Maine Coon

Behind the harsh appearance of a huge cat with a fluffy tail and tassels on its ears, there is an incredible charm and a kind soul: love for people, especially children, a desire to play, frolic. The sense of dignity makes the animal unobtrusive, not recognizing familiarity. The resemblance to a dog gives a large size, love for outdoor games and jogging, the ability to walk on a leash, the pleasure of bathing and swimming in a suitable reservoir. Kitten cost: from 15,000 to 90,000 rubles.

  • love for walks, games, water;
  • unobtrusive affection for the owner;
  • the ability to get along with children;
  • simplicity of content.
  • large sizes: not fit in any dwelling.


A variety of Siamese with a round head, small ears, bright blue eyes, a characteristic Siamese color. An energetic, curious, cheerful animal. Despite his independent nature, he is very attached to the owner for life, all the time of waking he follows him on his heels, is next to him in any business. The peculiarity of the breed is that these cats never release their claws, so they can be safely left with children. Sociable, speak with the help of a variety of sounds emitted. They are unforgettable and tolerant, very smart. They can't stand being alone, they can get depressed. Kitten price: from 7 to 25 thousand rubles.

  • sociability, talkativeness;
  • affection for the owner;
  • activity, playfulness;
  • quick wits;
  • the ability to get along with children;
  • do not release claws;
  • beautiful color.
  • can't stand loneliness.

The given rating will tell you which breed is better to choose for home keeping, what are the advantages and disadvantages, breed characteristics.However, even a mongrel kitten can become a favorite pet if it falls into loving, caring hands.


