
  1. Features of hunting matches
  2. Rating of the most effective matches for hunting in 2020

Rating of the best hunting matches for 2020

Rating of the best hunting matches for 2020

On a hike, hunting or fishing for several days, clear, warm and sunny weather is not always accompanied by lovers of such travel. How to light a fire in bad weather, overtaken at the most inopportune moment? Or into the descending damp morning fog in the early morning after an overnight stay? Manufacturers of related products for hunting, tourism and fishing came to the rescue of solving such problems. They release on the consumer market a large number of matches designed directly for certain actions: household, fireplace, special-purpose, hunting, for extreme sports. Each of the presented types is different from the others.

Features of hunting matches

This type of means for obtaining fire is manufactured in accordance with the requirements and conditions of GOST, it is distinguished by high quality and safety. The raw material for their manufacture is pressed paper, subsequently treated with a combustible mixture and covered with a layer of sulfur. Such rods are packaged in small quantities, 20 pieces each, in sealed, compact packages or boxes, which allows them to be placed in any place convenient for a person. If the product is in a box, then along with it the manufacturer recommends purchasing a durable and convenient plastic container for more complete safety of the package and its contents from possible mechanical damage during storage or during transportation.

Each rod, also intended for use in other recreational activities, is finished with a thin layer of varnish, which increases its practicality and functionality. Thanks to this design and composition, firelighters are not exposed to adverse weather conditions, be it temperature drops or high humidity. They do not lose their qualities in any situation, even under water.

Each piece is supplied with a spark trowel. It is made only from certain types of trees, namely poplar, linden, alder or aspen.

Such products are suitable for making a fire, warming in cold weather, facilitating quick cooking. They are highly flammable from a grater, do not go out for a long time (burning time about 20 seconds), which gives them a good advantage over other types.

The only condition that manufacturers recommend observing in order to maintain safety for human health is not to use them in closed rooms. Due to the large release of caustic, harmful smoke during combustion and in the absence of a sufficient amount of air, you can get poisoning with its products.

Products are manufactured using a fully automated process, except for the application of sulfur. This work is done manually. At each manufacture of these products, the necessary conditions have been created for drying and packaging goods.

Rating of the most effective matches for hunting in 2020

According to numerous reviews of fans of hunting, fishing, travel, extreme sports, the best matches tested by time and conditions of use are domestic.

Budget options for ignition for 2020

Matches "Campfire"

Packed in 30 pieces in boxes measuring 10.2 x 3.75 x 1.25 cm and weighing 12 grams. each one. The cost of one box is within 30 rubles. They are used both outdoors and at home to light a fire in fireplaces or wood stoves. This product has shown its positive qualities of use in adverse weather and in extreme conditions, therefore it can be an excellent company for the equipment of a hunter, fisherman, tourist or extreme amateur.

But, unlike other similar matches, this type has its own storage conditions, which must be observed in order to preserve the original property:

  • storage is assumed in closed rooms;
  • the ambient temperature should not exceed 40 ° С;
  • humidity level not higher than 85%;
  • the distance between the load-bearing walls and the product is at least 10 cm;
  • do not place in the same room with products with high moisture-yielding capacity (these are vegetables and fruits).

Matches "Campfire"
  • ease of use;
  • good efficiency;
  • budget cost.
  • numerous storage nuances.

"Hunting" matches

These products are packed in boxes with a capacity of 15 pieces. Its dimensions are 5.1 x 3.75 x 1.25 cm and weigh 11 grams. every. One box costs about 46 rubles. The length of the rod, reaching 4.2 cm, allows maintaining the combustion process for 8 seconds. In this regard, this product can be used when lighting fires, barbecues in a humid environment during hiking, hunting or fishing.

Like rods "Kostrovye", this product needs similar storage conditions.

"Hunting" matches
  • simple and convenient equipment;
  • good efficiency;
  • low cost.
  • availability of storage conditions.

Hunting rods for ignition

This product is considered inexpensive and of good quality, according to consumers. It is packaged in 20 pieces in a box, the parameters of which are 5.05 x 3.75 x 1.25 cm. Also, the packaging is carried out in large boxes with a capacity of 576 small packages, the net weight of which is 7.7 kg. every. When manufacturing products, the manufacturer strictly complies with the requirements specified by GOST R 56388-2015. The cost of one box ranges from 40 rubles. Hunters, tourists and fishing enthusiasts note the flammability of this product, prolonged burning, which is not afraid of rain or wind.

Hunting rods for ignition
  • good quality;
  • ease of use;
  • budget cost.
  • not detected.

Special-purpose matches

This type of product is intended for use in hunting, fishing, picnic. Packaged in 20 pieces in individual packages, they weigh 200 grams. each one. The kit contains a teal. The cost of one box ranges from 40 to 50 rubles. The rods treated with a special solution are suitable for use in various weather conditions. Their length of 8.5 cm makes it possible to prolong the combustion process.This is a good quality when lighting a fire in a humid environment. It can also be used when using pyrotechnics.

Special-purpose matches
  • convenient packaging;
  • long burning process;
  • wide range of applications;
  • budget price.
  • not found.

Ignition rods, moisture resistant

The products of the Russian manufacturer under the brand name Belka-Favorit have established themselves as high quality that meets all the requirements of regulatory documents.

The dimensions of the minimum package of such matches are: 5.1 x 3.75 x 1.25 cm, and the weight is 11 grams. One box costs about 45 rubles.

The length of the rod is 4.2 cm. Its head is treated with a layer of mass prepared according to a special recipe, which allows it to burn without attracting air from the surrounding space. Next, a solution is used that impregnates the structure of the match, in which further combustion only increases, and does not fade out. The duration of this process is 8-10 seconds. Additional use of starch and naphthalene in raw materials in the production of goods ensures its use even with gusts of wind from 12 to 16 points. Finishing the surface of the rod with a nitrocellulose film makes it impervious to water. This is enough for making a fire in all weather conditions.

Manufacturers remind that such a product should not be used indoors due to the high toxic properties of smoke.

Ignition matches moisture resistant
  • the convenience of use;
  • long burning time;
  • use in any weather;
  • optimal price.
  • not identified.

Special purpose matches "Huntsman"

This product is packed in boxes of 20, with dimensions 10.4 x 6.5 x 1.6 cm. The length of the rod is 8.6 cm. The price of one packaged box is within 48-50 rubles. In the production of these products, all the basic requirements listed in the technical conditions 20.51.20-022-00255119-2019 are met. Due to the special formulation of the coating mixture, these matches can be used in various adverse weather conditions, withstand strong gusts of wind, and do not extinguish when exposed to a humid environment. It can be actively used by hunters, fishermen, tourists in any natural situations.

Special purpose matches "Huntsman"
  • convenient packaging and application;
  • good rod length;
  • high efficiency;
  • budget price.
  • not identified.

Hunting rods, vacuum

This type of matches, 4.2 cm long and packaged in vacuum packs of 6 pieces, is intended for use in any climatic manifestation. The cost of such a mini-set is 42 rubles. The package weighs only 6 grams, and the dimensions are 12.00 x 6 x 6 cm. A special impregnation makes it possible for the rod to burn for 8 seconds without air access from the surrounding space. Flammability is not affected by adverse environmental conditions. This product is an essential attribute of people working in emergencies and conditions. It is also perfect for hunters, fishermen, and lovers of extreme types of recreation. Like previous products, hunting rods have certain storage conditions.

Hunting rods, vacuum
  • convenient vacuum packaging;
  • use in all weather conditions;
  • long burning time;
  • budget cost.
  • not identified.

Tourist matches

Campfire in nature is a flat pack containing 8 matches. Its dimensions are 10.2 x 6.4 x 1.55 cm, which allows you to place boxes anywhere. The cost of one copy is 47 rubles. This product is made of compacted cardboard, treated with a specially prepared composition to maintain the combustion process in any climatic change. This action takes 3 minutes.Matches can be part of a hunting, fishing, or general camping kit. These products also have storage requirements similar to those described above.

Tourist matches
  • ease of use;
  • good quality;
  • budget price.
  • availability of storage requirements.

List of mid-value goods

Products belonging to this price category have their own individual characteristics that distinguish them from other products.

Special-purpose matches

This product is packaged in boxes of 20 rods. Their length is 8.5 cm, and the size of the package is 10.2 x 6.4 x 1.55 cm. Its cost is 52 rubles. The product is intended for workers involved in difficult emergencies, as well as for hunters, fishermen, and extreme recreation enthusiasts. The incendiary composition, developed according to a special technological recipe and covering the rods, provides them with a bright burning for at least 20 seconds without attracting air from the surrounding space. The product can be applied in all weather conditions. During storage, adhere to the previously noted storage conditions.

Special-purpose matches
  • a sufficient amount in the package;
  • ease of use;
  • the duration of the combustion process;
  • optimal price.
  • not detected.

Product for ignition "Robinson"

This type of product is convenient in that it contains both ordinary household and special-purpose rods. The elongated box has two compartments, one of which contains 40 household items, and the other 15 hunting ones. The cost of such an individual package is 70 rubles. The 4.3 cm long fire-lighting agent for hunting, fishing and outdoor activities has a longer burning time, and a special composition allows it to be used in a humid environment. The products are manufactured in accordance with all the necessary requirements specified by GOST 1820-2001. Like all household matches, "Robinson" also requires storage under certain conditions, that is, the temperature of the surrounding space should not exceed 40 ° C, humidity should not exceed 85%, the absence of close proximity of products that quickly release moisture.

Matches "Robinson
  • versatility;
  • high efficiency;
  • convenient packaging;
  • average cost.
  • availability of storage requirements.

Products for lighting fire, hunting Firewood

Products made in Russia of this brand are also in demand among lovers of outdoor recreation. The goods are packaged in individual packages of 20 pieces. The cost of each is about 75 rubles. This product is perfect for making a fire or barbecue outdoors, will be a great help for hunters, fishermen or tourists. Due to the large amount of sulfur on the top of the rod, it can burn even with gusts of wind and high humidity.

Products for lighting fire, hunting Firewood
  • simplicity, ease of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • good quality;
  • acceptable price.
  • not identified.

Ignition rods Grifon

Russian-made goods of the Grifon brand are distinguished by their appearance and the duration of the combustion process, which is at least 7 minutes. Each package, 6 cm wide, is a continuous strip with pointed ends on one side. It is made of pressed shavings, so each "tooth" is easily broken off from the main part. Thanks to its long burning time, this product can be used in all weather changes. The cost of an individual package is 85 rubles. This product will be an excellent companion for the equipment of a hunter, fisherman or tourist.

Grifon ignition matches
  • convenient packaging;
  • ease of use;
  • long burning time;
  • acceptable price.
  • not found.

Hunting matches "Pathfinder-Extreme"

The rods, 20 pieces each, are packed in separate boxes, the dimensions of which are 10.5 x 6.5 x 1.5 cm.The weight of each of them is 38 grams. Price - about 100 rubles.

A distinctive feature of this product is the ability to light a fire even in heavy pouring rain. Therefore, the accompanying equipment for those who like hunting, fishing, expeditions and extreme sports must be equipped with a product of this quality.

Hunting matches "Pathfinder-Extreme"
  • convenient packaging, packing, size;
  • high quality;
  • excellent efficiency;
  • optimal cost.
  • not found.

Premium fire-starting products

This type of product includes products of the highest quality and design level.

Hunting matches "Pathfinder"

Russian-made Image brand goods are made of natural wood. Standard packaging of 20 pieces in a box with the corresponding dimensions. The price of one copy is about 290 rubles. The high cost of rods lies in the naturalness of the raw materials used and a longer burning process than other types of matches. Judging by the experience of using this product among people of various directions of recreation, it has shown its high qualities absolutely in any weather changes, from low humidity, water to sub-zero temperatures, blizzard and snow. The manufacturer recommends taking such means for starting a fire with you on the road.

Hunting matches "Pathfinder"
  • naturalness of raw materials;
  • burning duration;
  • high efficiency in all conditions.
  • high price.

Special-purpose product "Hunting"

The representative of the Avion brand produced in Russia has also proven its excellent qualities and high efficiency in various climatic conditions. Packaged in 20 pieces in individual packaging, the weight of which is 200 grams, the product is applicable in any situation, even an unforeseen one. In addition to their excellent properties during rain, snow and strong winds, matches from this manufacturer can be used as a fuse for pyrotechnics. Their bases are also made from natural raw materials - wood. Each package includes a grater. The cost of such a product is about 348 rubles.

Hunting matches "Hunting"
  • ease of use;
  • high effective qualities;
  • naturalness of raw materials.
  • high price.

Hunting matches "Briquettes"

A variety of products from the previous brand are matches-briquettes for lighting fires, fireplaces and stoves. The weight of an individual package is 200 g, which makes it possible to take it with you on any trip. Each briquette has one jagged edge ending in fine tips that, when rubbed with a teal, provide easy ignition. A long burning time is enough to light even damp firewood or branches for a fire. This tool proved to be excellent in windy and inclement weather. The cost of one package ranges from 359 rubles.

Hunting matches "Briquettes"
  • convenient packaging, flat packing;
  • great quality;
  • burning duration.
  • not identified.

An increasing number of lovers of outdoor activities, hunting or fishing, when the right time of the year comes, is in a hurry to indulge in their hobbies. Even a disappointing weather forecast for the coming time is not able to cool the burning desire to hunt for wild animals and birds, cast your favorite fishing rod and sit in silence on the shore of a cozy place, have a picnic on a shady meadow with barbecue and barbecue. After all, for this very reason, many manufacturers are trying to present a variety of related products to consumer markets so that nothing can overshadow their favorite pastime.And matches, capable of kindling a bright fire in any weather, are the most necessary attribute in the backpack of each of us.


