
  1. What are the kindergartens
  2. Correctional gardens
  3. Waldorf gardens
  4. General education gardens

Rating of the best kindergartens in Novosibirsk in 2020

Rating of the best kindergartens in Novosibirsk in 2020

Kindergarten is one of the most important places in which a child is. It is in the garden that the foundations of socialization, artistic, psychological and physical development of children are laid. Unfortunately for the parents, it is in this educational institution that the kid spends most of his time and his future fate will largely depend on what skills he receives in it. We will find out how not to be mistaken when choosing a kindergarten and learn about the best kindergartens in Novosibirsk.

What are the kindergartens

All gardens can be divided into 2 large groups - municipal and private.

  • Municipalities are supported by the state and you can get into them only if the turn comes. It is worth noting that today, in order to submit documents, it is not necessary to do this only at the place of registration, you can choose any garden that suits your requirements and submit documents to it. However, the first place is given to those children who geographically belong to this garden.
  • Private kindergartens do not depend on the queue and even more so the place of registration, any kid can get into it (naturally, if there are free places). The main difference between a private garden and a municipal one is that the cost of a private garden is much higher and the number of groups is smaller. Some people believe that the level of education in private gardens is much higher, but this is not entirely true. Today, municipal preschool institutions also offer their visitors a high level of educational services.

Criterias of choice

Regardless of whether it is a private or municipal garden, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the following points.

  1. Direction of work. The most popular preschool institutions are correctional (for children with health problems), Waldorf (aimed at the individual development of each pupil, depending on his personality type) and general education.
  2. Specialization, number of educational programs. Each garden is unique in its own way, some emphasize physical development (has a large selection of sports sections), some on art (theater studio, drawing, music). The choice lies only in what exactly there is an inclination or what traits the parents would like to develop in their child.
  3. Material and technical support of the institution - how good are the conditions for children, the availability of toys, a playground.
  4. Personnel composition.When choosing, you should pay attention to the age of the educators, the level of their education.
  5. Nutrition. Many educational institutions present various options for food - somewhere cooks prepare themselves, somewhere they order food in catering establishments, is there a possibility of an “individual” menu, for example, if one or another product is intolerant.

Taking into account the above points, we will make a rating of the best gardens in Novosibirsk, dividing them into 3 groups according to the direction of work: correctional, Waldorf and general education.

Correctional gardens

These are preschool institutions where children with health problems are located. Together with educators in this kind of kindergarten, there are doctors who draw up a treatment program, and educators strictly monitor its implementation by children. The main directions of correctional institutions can be distinguished:

  • speech therapy (children with speech disorders);
  • children with mental retardation;
  • children with hearing or vision impairments;
  • other diseases.

It is worth noting that correctional kindergartens can be either separate, only for children with problems, or, on the basis of one institution, have general education and correctional groups.

We will compile a rating of the best correctional gardens in Novosibirsk on various issues in 2020.

4th place - D / s No. 1 "Romashka"

Address: st. Uritskogo, 7, contact phone ☎ 8-383-223-36-56, working hours: Monday-Friday from 07.00 to 19.00.

One of the oldest preschool educational institutions in Novosibirsk, it consists of 4 groups of 20 children, two of which are of general development, and the other two are for children with severe speech disorders.

  • is one of the best specialists in speech therapy;
  • a small number of groups, due to which each pupil is given the proper amount of attention.
  • not

3rd place - D / s No. 123

Address: st. Shakespeare, 10 A, contact phone ☎ 8-383-278-19-44, working hours: weekdays from 07.00 to 19.00.

The institution has 3 general development groups (junior, middle, senior), as well as a specialized group for children with tuberculosis.

  • a unique group for children with tuberculosis aimed at their early recovery.
  • not

2nd place - Development Center - kindergarten number 501 "Medvezhonok"

Address: st. Boris Bogatkov, 194, building 9, contact phones ☎ (383) -260-59-50, (383) -260-59-11, (383) -260-59-20, working hours: Monday - Friday from 07.00 to 19.00.

This institution combines both general education groups and groups for children with hearing impairment, speech and mental retardation (it is possible to be in these groups from Monday to Friday around the clock).

  • the kindergarten implements programs for children with hearing impairments; with severe speech disorders; for children with mental retardation;
  • a large selection of educational programs aimed at the artistic, social, communicative, physical, speech development of children;
  • all educators have a high level of education and great experience in teaching;
  • the living conditions for children are at a high level.
  • not

1st place - "Development Center - d / s No. 487" Polyanka "

Address: st. Pechatnikov, 9 A, telephone ☎ 8 (383) 326-00-86, working hours: Monday-Friday from 07.00 to 19.00.

The peculiarity of "Polyanka" is the fact that in addition to general education groups there is a group for children with visual impairments. Educators spend eye exercises with children during the day, make sure that all the requirements of doctors are met (for example, when correcting strabismus, make sure that children do not take off special glasses).

In addition, the garden has a salt cave, oxygen cocktail, inhalers and other devices for the health of children. Also, much attention is paid to the aesthetic development of children. It has an art and theater studio, a puppet theater and a sports dance section.

  • there is a special group for children with visual impairments;
  • a large selection of devices for children's health improvement;
  • a large selection of developmental programs.
  • not

Let's create a pivot table.

1"Development Center - d / s No. 487" Polyanka "there is a special group for children with visual impairments,
a large selection of devices for the improvement of children, as well as developmental programs
2Development Center - kindergarten number 501 "Bear" groups for children with hearing impairment, speech impairment and mental retardation (it is possible to be in these groups from Monday to Friday around the clock).
3D / s No. 123specialized group for children with tuberculosis
4D / s No. 1 "Camomile"in addition to general education groups, there are groups for children with severe speech diseases

Waldorf gardens

Waldorf kindergarten is truly a heavenly place for any child. Warm, welcoming atmosphere, individual approach.

Pupils of such an institution live in a special rhythm: they have their own traditions, holidays, which, according to the theorists of this system, maintain harmony with nature in the soul of children. Much attention is paid to the physical and harmonious development of babies, they interact only with toys made from natural materials (stone, wood). From an early age, in the process of playing, children are taught to interact with food (for example, they bake cookies together with educators), and they receive information about the world order through fairy tales told by the teacher.

The Waldorf system also has several disadvantages:

Firstly, the teaching here is very soft and without "violence", children receive knowledge only when they are ready for it. It’s just because of this approach, some children are not ready for school. Also, they are not ready for the fact that no one will adapt to their desires, and therefore school adaptation can be more difficult than after kindergarten with a standard education system. It should be noted that the price for visiting this institution will be much higher than usual (on average, about 15,000 - 20,000 rubles per month).

Let's make a rating of the 3 best gardens in Novosibirsk in 2020, working according to the Waldorf system.

3rd place - "Stanislav"

Address: st. Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 31/1, contact phone ☎ 8 (383) 271-23-60, working hours: Monday-Friday from 07.30 to 20.00.

This is a full time private garden. It is a detached, fenced building with a large playground. Educators offer children a whole range of educational programs: children's theater studio, choreography, music, English, painting. If necessary, a speech therapist and a psychologist will work with the children.

  • a large selection of developmental programs;
  • individual approach to everyone;
  • the learning process takes place in the format of a game that children really like;
  • good living conditions, the garden meets all modern standards and requirements.
  • high cost of visiting.

2nd place - "Living Path"

Address: st. B. Bogatkova, 67, working hours: from 07.30 to 19.30.

Private garden, where everyone will have their own individual approach. Educators guarantee parents that their children will receive comprehensive harmonious development.

  • addiction occurs in the most gentle mode next to mom;
  • a large selection of educational programs (foreign languages, painting, music, sports);
  • a healthy diet, the diet of which is made up by nutritionists so that the baby receives the necessary norm of nutrients (there is the possibility of individual compilation of the menu, for example, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.).
  • high tuition fees.

1st place - "Waldorf private pedagogy of the city of Novosibirsk - family school and kindergarten"

Address: st. Family Shamshin, 4, contact phone ☎ 8 (838) 310-03-61.

A feature of this educational institution is the combination of a kindergarten and an elementary school.

The following services are offered to parents' attention:

  • general educational group for children from 3 to 6 years old;
  • a nursery group, in which children are at first next to their mother, so that the process of adaptation of the baby is as comfortable as possible;
  • special preparation for school;
  • creative workshops (theater, art, dance schools);
  • primary school according to the Waldorf method, grades 1-5;
  • day care center.

This is an institution in which the personality of the child, his inclinations and personality type come to the fore.

  • individual approach;
  • a combination of kindergarten and primary school;
  • good conditions for children;
  • a large selection of developmental programs.
  • high tuition fees.

Let's create a pivot table.

1"Waldorf private pedagogy of the city of Novosibirsk - family school and kindergarten"a combination of kindergarten and primary school
2"Living Path"a healthy diet, the diet of which is made up by nutritionists so that the baby receives the necessary norm of nutrients (there is the possibility of individual compilation of the menu, for example, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.)
3"Stanislava"a large selection of developmental programs, an individual approach to each

General education gardens

These are institutions in which children who do not need special care are trained. They differ only in the number of children, the quality of the education they receive and the number of developmental programs.

Consider the 3 best preschool educational institutions of Novosibirsk in 2020.

3rd place - D / s CHOU "Orthodox Gymnasium in the Name of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius"

Address: st. Alexander Nevsky, 22/1, contact phone ☎ 271-25-85

A feature of this institution is that in addition to basic knowledge and skills, children are taught patriotism and faith in God. The history of religion, basic divine principles and commandments are explained to children in an accessible form. Before church holidays, children are taken to communion in church.

  • a garden for those parents who want to give their child an Orthodox upbringing;
  • children who are in the garden are few, therefore, sufficient attention is paid to each pupil;
  • very friendly atmosphere, there is no pressure on children.
  • in order to enter this kindergarten, it is necessary to go through a rather difficult interview with the head, parents must be churched people.

2nd place - Kindergarten №258 "Dolphin"

Address: st. Russian, d. 16, contact phone ☎ 8 (383) -306-64-93, working hours: from 07.00 to 19.00 from Monday to Friday.

The peculiarities of this institution are the presence of a nursery group, as well as its specialization in the physical development of children. There is a private pool, the instructor is a professional trainer, in winter children learn to ski and skate. It is worth noting that this institution is a prize-winner and participant in competitions for the best educational methodology and there is practically no staff turnover in it.

  • specialization in the physical development of children;
  • the presence of a nursery group.

1st place - "Progymnasium" Kingfisher "

Address: st. A. Lezhena, 7/2, phones: ☎ 267-32-74, 267-88-77.

This institution is a unique municipal educational institution for Novosibirsk, which includes both a kindergarten and an elementary school.

The progymnasium is specific for its intimacy and cordial attitude towards children. It implements a large number of developmental programs, while the quality of education in them is at a very high level. This includes a fine arts studio, a theater studio, a section for children's songs, ballroom dancing, orienteering, and English. Respectful attitude towards each pupil, support in the development of his unique qualities.

  • a combination of kindergarten and primary school in one place;
  • high level of staff;
  • a large selection of developmental programs;
  • the number of children in the kindergarten is limited in order to give each pupil a sufficient amount of time.
  • it is quite difficult to get to this educational institution, since there are a large number of people who want to get there.

Let's create a pivot table.

1"Progymnasium" Kingfisher "combination of kindergarten and primary school in one place
2Kindergarten №258 "Dolphin"features of this institution is the presence of a nursery group, as well as its specialization in the physical development of children
3D / s CHOU "Orthodox Gymnasium in the Name of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius"a feature of this institution is that in addition to basic knowledge and skills, children are instilled in patriotism and faith in God

Novosibirsk is distinguished by a large selection of high-quality kindergartens, in which children can get a good educational base, physical and artistic development.


