
  1. Where to begin
  2. Types of training
  3. Output

What sports can you do in 30-35 years to lose weight

What sports can you do in 30-35 years to lose weight
  • Posted by: Sport, Hobby
  • Viewed: 13521
  • Reading time: 6 minutes.

After 30 years, a slowdown in metabolism begins, and a person begins to lose its former shape. Ugly fatty deposits appear, the figure takes on an irregular shape due to extra pounds. But turning thirty is not the end of life, and at this age it is easy to start shaping the body through exercise and sports.

Where to begin

Before starting any workouts, you should fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Medical examination. By the age of thirty, some diseases are already making themselves felt. Some of them are chronic since childhood, others are acquired in the process of life. Therefore, before deciding on any sports activities, it is worth consulting a treating specialist. This step will help you choose a sport that will not harm your body. In this case, you should not be afraid of prescribed tests or special treatment procedures. Sport is a serious matter and under heavy loads the body can not stand it.
  2. Kind of sport. When choosing a sport for weight loss, you need to consider factors such as: training time, place, duration of training. This step will help you adjust your time for a comfortable visit to the gym. It is much better to practice calmly, without the thought that after training you need to run to an important business meeting.
  3. Place of study. There are quite a few gyms now, but depending on the type of sport you choose, you need to find a place to practice. It is much better if the sports complex has individual changing rooms and showers. Especially if such an establishment is located far from home.

The correct choice of a sports group after 30 years is a guarantee not only of a beautiful figure, but also a significant contribution to human health in the future.

Types of training

Modern sports facilities offer enough sports categories to choose from. But you need to know what kind of training can give the best results. Among the large number of different workouts, the following areas can be distinguished:

  • Cardio training - this type of exercise will not cause inconvenience to people with heart disease. It will take a long time to lose weight, but it's worth it. Such exercises will strengthen the body as a whole.
  • Strength Training - These activities are focused on getting the most out of your strength. But the process of losing weight is much faster due to the increase in muscles. The figure takes on a beautiful relief without extra pounds.

In principle, any sport can be divided into these training categories. And a good coach will always be happy to help in such a situation.

Important! When choosing a form of training, always inform the trainer about your health condition and the presence of any diseases. This will help you develop an individual training program.

Motivational video about sports after 30 years:


A wonderful sport that can be done as a family. Swimming not only helps to lose weight and shape the figure, but also perfectly strengthens the immune system. Overcoming the resistance of water during exercise, a woman can not only get rid of cellulite, but also tighten sagging skin in problem areas. For a man, swimming will give inflated muscles and constant tone.

A visit to the pool 3 times a week and swimming for about an hour can help you lose up to 1000 calories if you exercise is very intense.


  • swimming is available to people with cardiac pathologies;
  • you can start training without prior preparation;
  • colds are possible in the winter season;
  • to start training, you will need special accessories in the form of a swimsuit and a swimming cap;
  • the presence of chlorine in the pool water.


  • swimming is prohibited for people with allergies and respiratory diseases.

10 reasons to go swimming in the video:


Jogging in the gym removes excess deposits in a short time. Moreover, this type of training makes it possible to think about something pleasant during classes. To avoid discomfort, it is better to start at low speed values, constantly increasing them. Running is not about speed. The working factor here is intensity and training time. For a half-hour lesson, on average, up to 500 calories are burned. When doing running exercises, it is advisable to always keep a bottle of water with you to avoid dehydration.

Running is the cheapest sport. One has only to take care of comfortable shoes so that there are no problems with the ankle.


  • it is not necessary to visit new-fashioned complexes, you can exercise on the street near the house;
  • free choice of training time;
  • fast slimming effect.
  • heavy load on the cardiovascular system;


  • running is not allowed for people with heart and lung pathologies;
  • you can not do this kind of sport with thrombophlebitis and circulatory disorders.

Video clip about running physiology:


The CrossFit workout program has good results in the fight against obesity. Due to the targeted focus on problem areas of the body, practicing this kind of sport is most popular among girls. While there are programs for all ages and genders, there are even crossfit exercises for pregnant women.

The main advantage of classes is the variety of exercises during training, and thanks to the effect on different muscle groups, the figure acquires beautiful outlines after a month of training. Crossfit consists of elements of gymnastics, powerlifting, bodybuilding, athletics and weightlifting, so an unprepared person may not be ready for such loads right away. Such people should try not to take maximum results, everything should be in moderation.

  • CrossFit exercises are aimed at a beautiful figure in general;
  • the choice of equipment, execution technique and intensity is strictly individual;
  • versatility.
  • possible injury, sprains and torn muscles;
  • a strong load on the cardiovascular system.


  • you can not do crossfit for people with heart disease, arthritis and muscle pathology.


Aerobics - aerobic movements performed in combination, under a certain musical rhythm, which sets and maintains the rhythm of the exercises. The best weight loss results can be obtained with a high training pace. Aerobics is also available at home, provided that the set of exercises is correctly selected.

There are quite different types of aerobics, where everyone can choose activities for themselves. The main and most popular types include:

  • aerobics - step, a type of exercise using a platform that increases the load during climbing exercises;
  • water aerobics exercise in water. Due to the resistance of the water, the load increases, but the heart muscle does not suffer. This type of aerobics is suitable for women after childbirth and for older people;
  • Bicycle aerobics is an excellent alternative to cycling in the winter season.

With a competent trainer, this type of training will easily prepare your figure for rest in 2020. There are a lot of types of aerobic programs and if you wish, you can always choose something for yourself.

  • always a positive charge due to the saturation of body tissues with a large amount of oxygen;
  • different types of activities;
  • the opportunity to practice at home.
  • aerobics is not available to people with hearing impairments.


• aerobic training is prohibited for vascular and spinal diseases.


Cycling is another sport that you can do after 30 years. Cycling or exercising is primarily focused on overall calorie loss and lower body shaping. One workout lasts at least an hour. During this time, depending on the intensity, you can lose up to 700 calories. But for a lasting result, you need to do it every day.

Therefore, it makes more sense to buy your own bike than go to the gym seven days a week. Cycling makes sense when combining activities with another type of exercise, such as aerobics or dancing.

  • cycling is indicated when there are problems in the lower part of the figure;
  • availability;
  • own vehicle.
  • in the winter season, classes can only be held in the gym;
  • impossibility of correcting the upper part of the figure.


  • cycling is contraindicated for people with bone problems and diseases of the spine.

The benefits of cycling in the video:


If someone thinks that dancing after thirty is impossible, then he is deeply mistaken. This hobby not only forms a beautiful posture and tightens the muscles of the whole body, but also gives a charge of good mood. Having actively spent time in a dance club, all in one day you can lose about 400 calories, and practicing constantly tangible results will appear in a month. Moreover, this type of activity gives grace and a deep sense of contentment.

The directions of dance clubs are very diverse and, if you wish, you can choose the one that is maximally focused on correcting body defects. Oriental dances will help remove excess deposits from the abdomen and thighs, and fitness dance sections can replace a full aerobic workout.

  • dancing can be done at any age;
  • good mood after training;
  • improved grace, posture and flexibility.
  • you can practice dancing at home, but it is more effective to visit specialized institutions.


  • hobby for dancing has no contraindications, provided the correct choice of type and load.


The most "budgetary" sport is walking. Some fitness instructors even debate the benefits of running sideways. Walking 2 kilometers daily at an average rate of speed per month, you can lose up to 8 kilograms. This is due to the fact that during hiking the body is saturated with oxygen, and it is known to be the best fight against fat.

Of the medicinal types, you can try "Scandinavian walking". To do this, you need to purchase special sticks, they are sold in any sporting goods store. When practicing such walking, not only the legs, but also the upper body are involved in the work process, which gives the distribution of calorie burning.

  • classes can be started without a certain level of training;
  • prevention of diseases of the vascular and cardiac systems;
  • increased endurance and easy weight loss.
  • waste of time;


  • there are no contraindications to walking, but you should not overload the body during exercise.

The benefits of walking in the video:

What helped you lose weight?


Whichever sport is chosen for losing weight, the main thing is to exercise with desire and constancy. 1-2 workouts will not help improve the body for the rest of 2020, therefore, hobby for sports loads should enter into the everyday life of a person 3-4 times a week.

But at the same time it is worth remembering about the rules for getting a slender figure, here are some of them:

  1. Diet. It is inappropriate to limit yourself to food while visiting sports clubs, because the body requires double energy. But you will have to cut down on junk food, otherwise there will be no point in training.
  2. Exercises. You do not need to continue exercising, if shortness of breath and muscle pain appear, take a break and drink water. Moreover, if such sensations are repeated, be sure to inform the coach about them.
  3. Time. Unfortunately, not many people can choose a convenient schedule for training. But if a person has a high working capacity in the morning, then it is better to visit the gym in the morning and vice versa, "owls" will get more benefit in the evening.
  4. Clothing. A comfortable shape made of good fabric that does not restrict movement is an essential attribute of any workout, also applies to shoes.
  5. Equipment. Do not rush to purchase specialized equipment. It is quite possible to replace it with improvised means for the first time. Suddenly, the type of training is not suitable or you want to change the sport.

In any case, the thirty-year mark is the time when you start taking care of your health and body. The more attention is paid to a healthy lifestyle, the later the changes associated with aging of the body will appear. But what kind of sport to choose for losing weight depends only on you!


